Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Discovering Your Own Yellow Brick Road to Fulfilment

Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 30

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Embark with us on a transformative exploration of self-discovery and the often winding path to our heart's desires. As your host, I had the incredible opportunity to speak at a summit with some of the world's most motivational figures, and I'm thrilled to share those experiences with you. Alongside this, I introduce you to my friend and visionary, Tina, whose collaborative masterpiece, "Transformation Within," features a piece of my soul in written form. Together, we uncover the power of intuitive success coaching and its crucial role in guiding soul-aligned entrepreneurs toward a life of passion and fulfillment.

Drawing parallels between the enchanting Land of Oz and our personal journeys, we examine the timeless tale of Dorothy and her quest for home. This narrative beautifully underscores the importance of inner strength, friendship, and the resources that lie within. The discussion leads us to an epiphany of self-reliance and a profound appreciation for the significance of 'home' in our lives. This episode is an invitation to walk with us on your own Yellow Brick Road, seeking self-belief and enlightenment at every turn.

As we close this soulful session, we delve into the anticipation and beauty of connection, particularly the significance of future gatherings with treasured friends. From the heartfelt farewell to Rachel in New York to the excitement of potential reunions across the pond, we celebrate the magic that community brings to our collective journey. Tune in for an episode brimming with heart, wisdom, and the courage to chase your true path.

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Until next time!

Love, Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass Podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for mindset, talk, manifestation, magic and incredible interviews with other soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited to share today's episode with you. A few weeks ago, I was asked to take part in a summit and I got to do a 30 minute slot on one of the most amazing stages with some incredible speakers from all over the world. So I will post a link into how you get the replays to all the talks that happened on that summit in the show notes. But today I want to share with you the speech that I talked about, and you get to hear my amazing friend, tina, who is the publisher of the book Transformation Within, which I got to be a part of too. So this is such a special episode and I really hope you enjoy it. Please take the time and just sit back and enjoy this little journey that I take you on down the yellow brick road.

Speaker 2:

All right, I do see our next guest in the audience. I hope she's ready to come bring some magic. Yeah, I see her fixing her hair.

Speaker 1:

all right, oops, sorry, there we go, uh I thought I was getting to see camille there too well then we'd start a conversation and we'd never get through this right.

Speaker 2:

Um, rachel, so good to see you. This is another magical, mystical friend of mine, rachel Jackson, coming to us from the UK, and she's the one who I said might have a different thought on the use of affirmations, because I know that she has definitely helped me connect with being able to envision more, more than I could, even more than is tangible, more than I've seen, more than I could even ever dream or believe is true, and that's been so empowering to me because I came from a place of lack and scarcity and not having had those examples of being brave enough to believe that there was more. So Rachel is an intuitive success coach, she is a podcaster and she is the founder of the Soulful Badass, which I love because it gives my Catholic girl permission to say a bad word, and she really is a master of supporting visionary women lived, aligned, rich and free. She helps you live the most successful life and business you can on your own terms, and if you're like her, you're going to say a regular nine to five just doesn't fit. And so she created her life to fit her and her dreams and this vision that she was able to create and cast and it's been an amazing journey to have a backseat, to get to watch that.

Speaker 2:

As she has done it, she has also been in both of our multi-author books. She has a chapter in the Transformation Within and she helped when we launched our first book, authentic. Not only is she an authentic person, but she knows how to create transformation in her own life and your life. Without further ado, I'm going to let you kick it away. Do I have slides I need to pull up for you?

Speaker 1:

No, not today, I'm just re-rolling.

Speaker 2:

Do you want me to give you the full screen? Can I give you the full screen, fab? Thanks Tina. Yeah, bring your magic, I need some.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you oh, there we go. So hi everyone. Yeah, like Tina said, I'm an intuitive success coach and this journey's been ongoing for me over the past five years since I started my business. So there's been lots of name changes and even a name change. So in the book, if you're looking for me, my chapter will be under Rachel Chamblee, which is my old name. So please know that is me in there, and I even had a different business name at that point. So it believe me, that is me. You'll hear my words throughout.

Speaker 1:

And thanks Camille for such an amazing setup. I listened to that and I was like how am I going to come on after Camille, because he is amazing. So all the rest of the guests are going to be incredible and I can't wait to hear more. But what I do is I support soul aligned entrepreneurs and, like Tina said, it's all about living your life and going after your biggest passions, your biggest desires, the things that light you up inside, and what I've found through my own journey and then helping others do the same is that the more you align with the path where you are following your passions, you're following your desires. Like Camille said, that guy who just went for it he sat there waiting for 10 years and then he decided to do it and now he's doing all this amazing stuff. As soon as you start following your passions, the whole path lights up for you and everything becomes really magical and aligned and actually easier than trying and pushing and working that hard life that we're all trained to do. So that's what I'm here to do and that's where I'm here to help people with and also bring the bit of magic of the intuition and following your soul. So when I started to think about how I share that in this 30 minutes that we've got and how I get this message across, what I did like I always do is I meditated on it. So I called in my guides and my angels and I asked what is the best way to portray this to people? What's the best way to get this message out and share it with everyone and my guides? In the usual sense of never giving a straight answer and any of you intuitive souls out there will know this about the universe and how it loves to work in metaphors it decided to show me in a vision Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz being on the Yellow Brick Road, and I was like, wow, okay, okay. So you're really helping me today and I thought right, they never lead me astray. So let's go with this vision, let's see what's coming out Now, this meditation and bear with me because I will share this story so that you get the full impact of what this meant, because it was super powerful. This full meditation took me through this journey and it really took me into Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz. So if you don't know the story, I will share it with you so that you understand as well.

Speaker 1:

Now, dorothy was from Kansas and lived with her aunt and her little dog, toto was in danger and she ran away, wishing to be somewhere over the rainbow, wishing she could escape so that she could protect Toto and live somewhere. That was somewhere more alive and she felt like she belonged. So she ran away and she wished to be somewhere over the rainbow. And that's where that beautiful song comes into play. But what she did was she decided that, you know, she really needed to go back home. So, even though she longed to be somewhere else, she went to go back home. She went to see her auntie and, unknown to her, she went inside the house, couldn't find anyone, but this tornado decided to come and start spinning and spin the house upside down to the point where it was totally taken out of Kansas and landed in the land of Oz.

Speaker 1:

Now, this was all going on in my meditation, by the way, so this is a little insight into how crazy my mind might work. But what was happening was she lands in this land of Oz and she happens to land on a witch, which unfortunate for the witch but fortunate for the munchkins that are in there. She does really land in this space and it's this place that she wanted. She wanted to be somewhere over the rainbow, she wanted to be in this magical land and she's greeted by the munchkins who just adore her and think she's the most amazing person and really want her to stay. She's greeted by glinda, this, um, good witch, this lovely energy like this soft energy which is so nice and protective, and she's given the gift of these ruby red slippers for her act of, unfortunately, killing the witch. So she's in this nice space and you know she's being celebrated and she's been, you know, made a queen ultimately. And you know she's then greeted by the Wicked Witch of the West who swoops in and threatens Dorothy. But there's no fear there, because the Munchkins and Glinda and everyone is rallying around. There's no fear, she's not in any danger and she's in this really safe space of Munchkin land.

Speaker 1:

But Dorothy has this yearning. She doesn't want to stay there. She knows that's not where she belongs. She really wants to go home. She wants to get home to Kansas. She wants to see her family and that's where she wants to be. And she's told that if she goes to the Emerald City, that is where she'll find the Wizard of Oz, who'll be able to grant her wish and send her home. So Dorothy sets her sights on this Emerald City, this beautiful place where there's this powerful wizard that is going to send her home and send her back, and she sets off down the Yellow Brick Road with Toto, not really knowing where she's going, not really knowing how she's going to get there, just knowing she needs to follow this yellow path and she's going to find her way. So I hope you're all still with me, because it was a long meditation, I'm not going to lie.

Speaker 1:

So along the way she's setting off down this yellow brick road and she meets the most unlikeliest friends. So she's on her way to visit the wizard and she's there, and she meets a scarecrow along the way. Now the scarecrow feels like it doesn't have a brain, it's full of straw, and Dorothy's like well, don't worry, come with me, we'll find the wizard. The wizard will be able to give you a brain. Then she meets the tin man, who doesn't have a heart, and again it's like come with us, you'll be able to find the wizard, and the wizard will be able to give you a heart. Then she meets the lion that's so cowardly and she's like well, come with us, we'll be able to help you. We can get you the courage that you need. The wizard can give you that.

Speaker 1:

So these three people start to join Dorothy down the path and everything you know. They're walking down the path, they're getting to different crossroads. The signs are saying emerald city this way, emerald city that way. They don't know which way they're going, but they're just following their intuition and they go whichever way they think. Now they're following this path and it's it's not an easy path. The wicked witch of the west is still trying to knock them off course, still sending perils their way. They have trees throwing apples. They are flying creepy monkeys that are popping out. They even end up in a poppy field that ends up sending them into a deep, deep sleep. Now, at that point, this is where Glenda sends in all the beautiful snow to just ease the poppies and bring them back to the right path.

Speaker 1:

So in this journey and I'm still thinking, where's this leading? Where's this going? Angels like what is coming through here. So what I'm finding out is this journey that she set off down. She didn't really know where she's going. She knew she was heading for the Emerald City. She's come across all of these different turmoils and things on the journey, and the journey isn't easy.

Speaker 1:

But when they do arrive at the Emerald City, they find out that they've overcame so much on that journey that actually they've got a strength built up. They've got all of these things that they didn't have at the beginning. They didn't have at the start, and they have each other, which is a good thing, because when they find the wizard, it's pretty useless, if I'm honest. So the wizard actually tries to hide from them and then doesn't turn out to be as powerful as anybody thought. So the wizard that was going to send them home isn't actually as powerful as they hoped he would be. Now Emerald City is as beautiful as they hoped, but the power was what they were looking for.

Speaker 1:

So along the way, the scarecrow realised that he could think anyway. The brain was strong, but he could still think. The tin man found that he loved Dorothy and he loved his new friends, and even though he didn't have a heart, he was still able to love the way that everybody else loves the lion, who was brave exactly when he needed to be, to stick up for his friends, even though he didn't believe he had the courage. So traveling to see the wizard helped them all to see that actually they had all of these things along the journey on the way. They had the heart, they had the brains, they had the courage, and getting to see the wizard actually helped him too. So the wizard needed Dorothy as much as she needed him. The wizard needed to get his confidence back, to see how powerful he was without all the magic, and to see exactly that that's exactly who he was meant to be, is the person he is, rather than trying to pretend to be something else. And Dorothy was able to show him that. So by her, getting all the way to Emerald City actually helped him as well.

Speaker 1:

So this was a lovely story and it was a lovely way to meditate, but I was still a little bit thinking. You know you're not really helping me write a speech here, but once I sat down I really kind of poured through this journey and what it was telling me. It just brought back so many nice childhood memories. But also it really helped me see how perfect this message was for not only what I do in my life but what I do to help clients as well, because this is how living a life filled with passion and purpose actually works. And I'll break it all down to you.

Speaker 1:

But it really does all start with a wish. It all starts with an intention, a wish that you are wishing over the rainbow something big, something that is bigger than you, that you might not even understand why you're asking for it, but you know there's a desire inside of you that is calling you forward. That's how we start this journey, and sometimes you don't even know what the end goal looks like. You just know that there's an end. You want to be happier, you want to be more fulfilled. There's a wish in there that's trying to come out. And then what does that wish? You know, what do you want to truly wish for For me when I first started my journey, I seen a vision of me stood on a stage teaching lots of people different things, but I never knew what I was teaching.

Speaker 1:

But I knew that wish was my heart's calling. I knew that was my purpose. I knew that was me, stood on that stage doing that, talking to people, helping people with something. On that stage doing that, talking to people helping people with something. So what's that wish that's calling you forward, and then, when you wish, the universe sets things in motion. So as soon as you make that wish, the universe gets to work. And what the universe loves to do is disrupt everything and anything in your current life, unfortunately. So this turned out to be the tornado. You cannot ask for something without being moved from a different space. So if you're currently firmly sat in your comfort zone and you are rooted in that place, the universe is going to have to come and shift some energy and move some things about to align you to where you're meant to be, to suddenly let you see your yellow brick road.

Speaker 1:

Now that can feel uncomfortable, and at that point, this is where, when people are manifesting and trying to create about life, they think everything's gone wrong. They think everything's gone wrong. They think everything's gone a bit tipped up, because they're sat there thinking I've just made this amazing wish, I've just set this intention in motion and now, suddenly, my world's in turmoil, everything feels upside down and I'm in the middle of a hurricane, like my head is spinning, and that is completely normal. So what I would say is, once your life starts to get turned upside down, this is the time you start to get excited, because this is when you're about to land in your wonderful land of Oz. This is where you're going to land, somewhere that is actually so much better for you and get you on the right path, with the right people in the right timings, that you have nothing to fear. So, if you're feeling that turmoil and you're feeling like everything is going crazy, get excited about all of the good stuff that is about to come, because, believe me, you're about to land in that wonderful land of ours, to land in that wonderful land of ours. So do never fear the tornado. The universe doesn't know the difference between good, bad, right and wrong. All it does is it creates situations for you to thrive. It's us who say whether that feels good or not, but, honestly, if it doesn't feel good. Just know that it's all temporary and everything will change. So when the house landed in the land of Oz and Dorothy was in Munchkin Land and she was super happy, you know, all these people wanted her to be the queen and it sounded amazing, but actually she knew that wasn't where she wanted to be.

Speaker 1:

So the big message here is don't settle for less than your heart's desire. When you're on your journey to that big mission, that emerald city that you want to create, what happens is there'll be other places that feel nice along the way. There'll be other places that feel comfortable, that feel, yeah, I could stay here. But you'll have that yearning, that calling inside that there's still something more, there's something bigger. And that's when I would say please don't settle for less than you deserve or less than that heart's desire, because ultimately that'll become your comfort zone and the universe will come with another tornado and start to shift you out of it. So make sure you keep moving forward towards that big heart's desire, because the Emerald City and that desire is just a symbol. It's a symbol for where you are meant to be.

Speaker 1:

So your desires and if you're anything like me, you'll have pushed your desires down for too long you'll have said, oh, who am I to have that? I must be crazy to want that. Or you know, I don't deserve those things. Or who needs that much money? We always say things, things like that, to push down our desires. But the thing is, the desire is a symbol. So the, the version of you that reaches your emerald city, the Dorothy that shows up and has all that power and has helped all them people along the way and is helping the wizard when she gets there, that Dorothy, that version of you, that's the world, the one that the world needs. The world needs you to be at that point where you know your power, you know you deserve so much more, you know that you are deserving, worthy and have all of this extra confidence, extra knowledge, whatever it is you learn along the way extra resilience. Often all of those things are what the world needs. So, whatever your desire is, whether it's a car, whether it's a house mine's an amazing house with a pool and it looks over a sea I call it the sea in the UK, so looks over the ocean that is my desire and that's where my heart's calling me forward, because the Rachel who has that desire, who lives in that home is helping thousands of people all over the world. He's doing such good work. He's having the money to give to charity.

Speaker 1:

There is things that I need to be able to achieve in this lifetime and that's why that desire is being placed in my heart. So the desire is a symbol, the desire is a destination on the map, and for us to deny them is to say that our life's purpose maybe isn't for us. And actually you've been here to do a huge mission in this lifetime and following your desires is exactly what gets you there. So it's not about being selfish and it's not about wanting more and wanting too much or being greedy. It's about becoming who you are meant to be and being exactly who you are meant to be in this lifetime. So your desires are the symbol that the universe and your soul drops into your heart. So remember, your emerald city is exactly where you're meant to be going and nothing or no one can knock you off that path.

Speaker 1:

As soon as you set that intention and you notice with I know Tina mentioned about affirmations but when they are setting off on their journey, when they're on the yellow brick road, when they need that boost of confidence, they start to sing we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz. They're singing as they go this affirmation we're off to see the wizard. They are going to their end destination. That is them affirming. That is where they are going and they're making it a song. Now, if anybody knows me, I talk about affirmations and I talk about positivity, rants and making it upbeat, because this is when you set that energy in motion. You set that energy forward. So the fact that they are singing the song we're off to see the wizard, what is your affirmation song? Where are you off to see? What are you off to do? Make sure you're saying that and singing that to yourself daily, because there's power in that.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing once you start to set that motion and get excited about it, because your desires want you more. Just like the wizards needed Dorothy just as much as she needed him, your desires want you more. You are meant to achieve them in this lifetime. The person you are going to be as soon as you reach those desires is literally going to be so impactful in this world that you cannot deny it. It's bigger than you.

Speaker 1:

If Dorothy didn't set off on that journey, the scarecrow would still be stuck, the tin man would still be, you know, he would be rigid, he wouldn't be able to move, and the lion would be. And just by her setting off on that path and being brave enough, she was able to help those three people so easily, just by being herself. And that's exactly what you're here to do. You're meant to follow your path. You're meant to follow this path to the Emerald City of yours and light others up along the way. So the path of you that you find along the way is exactly what the world needs. And the path isn't always easy and sometimes there's going to be things that are going to try and knock you off your path. There's going to be signposts like they see where it's like Emerald City this way, emerald City that. But what that means is you can never take a wrong turn. You could take a turn that has some winds and turns, but you are always going to end up in the destination you're meant to be as soon as you set out that that is what you are going for. That is exactly where you're going to end up. So never worry about your decisions along the way. They're all taking you to exactly where you're meant to be. So you can never, ever make a wrong decision in this. So please do not feel like you can take a wrong turn.

Speaker 1:

But the other beautiful part of this story is you had the two witches. So you had the Wicked Witch of the West and you had Glenda, the Good Witch. Now this is a perfect analogy of exactly how your ego and your intuition shows up along this journey. Your ego will be loud and brash and try and knock you off your path or try and trick you and deceive you, just like the Wicked Witch of the West, just to try and keep you stuck, to try and stop you getting to the Emerald City, whereas the Good Witch your intuition, is soft and calm and loving and protective and doesn't shout as loud as your Wicked Witch of of the west. But what it does do is it always protects you, always shows you the direction that you need. It doesn't necessarily tell you the answers that you need as easily, so Glenda could quite easily have said just tap them ruby slippers together and you'll be able to get home.

Speaker 1:

But the the thing is, your intuition and your soul knows exactly where you need to be and what you need to gain along the way, so it'll keep you on that path and know that you are fully protected at all times. Your ego can't hurt you anywhere as near as much as you think. So that wicked witch of the West didn't really have any power to knock you off the path. You were fully protected and your intuition was leading you home. And that's the voice that you need to learn to trust your intuition, your guidance, just like I had to when I was starting to write this speech out and I thought where is this going? What is this about?

Speaker 1:

And the question is that I want to ask you all what is your Emerald Sea? What does it look like? What are you going to feel like when you get there? Get really clear on that big desire that you want. Like Camille said before, it's small steps that take you there, so all it takes is stepping on that yellow brick road. You don't need to know the whole path, you don't need to know the whole direction. You just need to know where it is. You want to be and take the first step. And when you're going to step on that yellow brick road, all you need to do is just follow the next thing that lights you up, follow the next thing that feels good, keep that vision of where you want to be. So keep that song in your head we're going to meet the wizard, but please don't overthink the path.

Speaker 1:

Whichever direction you take, you are going to end up exactly where you're meant to be. But remember, those desires want you more. So you are meant to end up at whatever version of the Emerald City. It is for you. That's where you're meant to be, and your job is just to follow the path and say yes and go forward. Never settle in, but keep going forward to where you're meant to be going.

Speaker 1:

And, believe me, the path unfolds along the way. The one thing that gets us stuck is we try and plan the path far too much in advance. You've just got to keep following the next thing that lights you up and then know you are heading for your emerald sea and you will get there before you know it. So I hope this crazy meditation that I had makes absolute sense to you all now, and I love the way that it just brought in the analogy that nothing is going to be as clear as take this step, take that step, but it is all going to make sense in the end and you are going to get to exactly where you're meant to be as long as you're following your emerald sea. So I hope you enjoyed that and I'm sure Tina's gonna pop back on. Hi, tina, are you on mute all?

Speaker 2:

right, I muted myself in case the dog barks. Um, oh my gosh, thank you for taking us down that path, down the yellow brick road, and reminding us that the emerald city is our desires, showing us where we want to head. And, uh, you know, I'm more of a wicked girl, elphaba is my girl, but hey, still, can you know green and red, they're complimentary.

Speaker 1:

Um, and I do love those Ruby red slippers.

Speaker 2:

And I just want to say, um, you know, knowing Rachel, like I do, and you know I remember we had a talk a long time ago that I did not, I was like I don't think I have any intuition, and she was like I don't know about that, and she really helped me connect with that and connect with that faith and belief in myself.

Speaker 2:

So you know, I said I wanted a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo godmother to come along and I just realized I didn't have one. She tapped me with her magic and she told me the magic was in me all along and then she manifested herself a trip across the pond from the UK and landed in the big apple city so that I could hug her in person. So you never know what's going to show up in your life and I and I think that's so true it's like you know what you want, or you know where you're headed, but you don't know where the path is going to take you and it might not even might not be the Emerald City, it might be the rainbow, might be something else. Right, that is, that is where you're meant to be so well.

Speaker 1:

The Emerald City will always be something different every time you reach it. So as soon as you get there, you've got your sights on something else. But the point is you've got to keep heading.

Speaker 2:

Keep heading for what it is that you want and that will never lead you astray definitely, and, as rachel always says, there's no need for lack and scarcity, because you can have the emerald city and then you can go to greece and then italy and spain. I think you just were in. I love new york you're coming back.

Speaker 1:

You were in New York. Oh, I will be, I will be, I'll keep you posted.

Speaker 2:

I've got a trip to England in my future, so, and in your region so, yeah, so I'll definitely keep you in touch with that, but it was lovely to have you here and thank you for bringing your special brand of magic and sharing this with everybody today because it is transformative.

Speaker 1:

So thank you thank you for having me and thanks for putting on this amazing summit.

Speaker 2:

Like I can't wait to see everyone I know, right, lots of good people to listen to and catch up. And then we all have to schedule a coffee or wine dates, you know, in the next week or two, and catch up one on one. All right, well, thanks, rachel, appreciate it, thank you. All right, well, thanks, rachel, appreciate it, thank you.