Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Transform Your Sales Techniques with Soul

Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 37

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Unlock the secrets to connecting with your ideal clients and mastering marketing strategies that truly resonate. Ever wondered how to align your business with clients who are action-oriented, heart-centered, and ready for a transformation? On the latest episode of the Soulful Badass Podcast, Rachel Jackson dives into the art of understanding your client's personality, decision-making style, and readiness for change. Discover why it's essential to tailor your marketing approach to fit the unique energy and values you bring, rather than mimicking others.

But that's not all – Rachel also shares powerful selling strategies that go beyond the traditional A to Z models. Learn to connect with your clients on a deeper level by integrating heart, soul, and a compelling vision into your sales techniques. Rachel explains how to use personality tests to refine your approach and ensure you're reaching the right audience. By the end of this episode, you'll gain valuable insights that can transform your marketing and sales strategies, helping you build stronger, more genuine client relationships. Tune in now and take a step closer to a more aligned and successful business journey!

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Until next time!

Love, Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass Podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So, if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for mindset, talk, manifestation, magic and incredible interviews with other soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there. Hi everybody, welcome to this week's podcast. Today I want to talk to you about marketing and whether you are actually marketing to your ideal client.

Speaker 1:

Now, often we get told in business you've got a niche down. You've got to think about where do your clients spend their time, what platform are they on, what type of things are they looking for, and that is all really great, but what I tend to do, and what has worked for me, is really to start to think about who my client is as a person, what type of person they are Are they introvert or extrovert? Do they make decisions with their head or their heart? And also what I've done with that information is really started to funnel down who I want to attract into my business. Now, my energy is very A-type personality. I'm a go-getter, I am on it quite a lot. So if I get an idea, I go with action. And what I want to work with, the people I want to work with, the energy I want to work with, the energy I want to work with is the energy of people who are ready to transform, who are ready to go. So they might have had things in their past that have knocked them and they might be working through their shit, and that is absolutely fine and that's what I'm here to help with. But ultimately, they have a big mission and they are going for it. They are putting action in place and that's why they end up seeking people like myself who can help them get to that next level. So to do that, they have to be a certain type of person or at a certain point. Now my marketing is very niched around. Are you ready for that big mission? Are you ready to make that impact? Are you ready to go all out in your business? And that is then attracting those types of people who are ready for action, potentially leaning towards that extroverted side, but not necessarily. But they're ready for action. They are ready to make this happen.

Speaker 1:

So, when you're thinking about the people in your business and who you want to attract, who you want to work with, I want to work with people who make decisions from their heart. I want to work with people who are really heart-centered, people-focused, soul-aligned. So the energy that I want to attract is, yes, it might be introvert, but they're still heart-centered and that's what's driving them forward. They're not going to give up on their passion. They're not going to hide in a corner because they still have this drive and this people-focused. I'm not looking for people who are task-orientated or structure-based people, because the energy work that I do is very unique to each individual. I'm not here to give someone a step-by-step guide of how to do things. So the people I need to talk to have to be the people who are coming from a heart-centre point of view, and my marketing needs to reach and hit those people rather than giving people a step-by-step guide.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I first started doing this, I used to try and model my business off other people who were doing very well at this, but what I didn't factor in is that those people were structured-based people. They liked routine, they liked strategy. They liked that information to be broken down into bite-sized chunks and to be able to deliver that. You're going to get from A to Z and this is how you're going to do it. My work is very, very different. You're not going to go from A to Z. You're going to go to a, to a new alphabet in the language you know. You're going to go even further than z, but the way that you do it is going to be different to the other person in the group who does it in a slightly different way, because it's all around your energetics and your magic and what you bring to the table.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not going to give you a step-by-step. This is A B C. So I need to stop marketing to the people who want A B C, because they are not the people who are going to expand and open up. But do I want to be spending my energy on that time and focus around those people when there's someone better who can give them a step-by-step plan that I maybe won't deliver in the way that they need because I am not from that structured place. I'm coming from more, a heart-centered, soul-aligned energetic vibration. So for me that was a huge learning curve. I was using all of my marketing, all of my copy, to say you will get this or you will learn this, this and this, and the thing is it was diminishing what people were actually going to get and also it was making me try and fit inside a box that wasn't helping me to grow and helping me to grow as a coach and helping me to see what my vibrancy and my energy and my personality brings to my clients.

Speaker 1:

So start to think about yourself. Who do you want to be working with? Do you deliver an A to Z type program? Do you deliver an A to Z type product? Because if you do, that is brilliant. You can market to those people who are looking for that structure, who are looking for that designed map step. You are going to be absolutely perfect for that type of person and if that's what you want to market to, then that's how you should be marketing. So make sure your copy is really structured, make sure it is saying what it's going to deliver. Make sure it's the steps that are going to be marketing. So make sure your copy is really structured, make sure it is saying what it's going to deliver, make sure it's the steps that are going to be given and also make sure that it's mapped out in a logical way so that those types of people can go right yes, this is what I can get, this is what I'm buying, this is what I really want.

Speaker 1:

If you're in the energetic space, like me, and you are talking more to the heart and soul of somebody's expansion and growth and transformation, you need to be pouring that energy into it. People are not going to be looking for an A to Z product, but they're going to be looking for what am I going to feel? What am I going to expand into feel? What am I going to expand into? What could happen? What is that magic? What is that possibility? So I need to excite people with my copy, with a different type of language, a different type of energy, an energy that isn't going to necessarily hit the mark for everybody, because those structured people are not going to see what they get A to Z. Now there might be intrigues and, believe me, I get a lot of people who are like that and come and join and have an amazing time, but as well, it's a leap of faith on their part.

Speaker 1:

You've got to think. This is for you to help your customers make a buying decision. And if people are coming from a feeling point of view, they buy with their heart. They buy from that point of view. They buy with their heart. They buy from that point of view. What am I going to expand into? What am I going to get? What am I going to feel? What is my life going to look like? What vision are you painting for me, whereas the structured point of view is very much around the thinking am I going to get an ROI from this? Am I going to get a return? Am I going to get to that point? So, am I going to get the 10K months in my business? Am I going to get the 50K months? Am I going to get that at the end of it? And am I going to know how to rinse and repeat that opportunity? That is what they're looking for. So if you're not delivering that within your copy to whichever client you want to attract in, then make sure that you are homing this down.

Speaker 1:

Now, what we tend to do and what I've done as well in the past, is market to both Put the detail in for the people who want the detail, but then also put that buy option now buttons scattered in between for the people who are like I'm already in, I've just seen you live, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in and that's great, and often those people who want to read the details still join. But you've got to start to think who is it you are here to work with? Who is it you are here to attract? Who is it you are here to connect with? And if you are wanting to get that connection with people, rather than the people who are looking for data analytics and structure, then what you've got to start to do is maybe adding in like a point where you get to chat. So what I did with MSA, which is opening again from July. So please watch out for that. I'm going to be promoting that in June. So all of you heart centered entrepreneurs who are ready for action and massive impact in your business, watch this space, because the doors are going to be opening.

Speaker 1:

What I found was I was connecting on a clarity call with people. It was just a 15 minute call to get an energetic reading, just to check that one they're going to be good for me and my energy and my group and also to check that I'm going to be good for them and their energy and their group and answer any questions that they might have, because they might have questions. So I was adding in that step for anybody who needed it, and that is still available during June. So if you do want an MSA clarity call, then make sure you get one booked. But what these do is helps you have that energetic read.

Speaker 1:

If you are having people in your groups and masterminds and it is an A to Z step by step and you're not worried about the connection that you make, then you're not worried about the connection that you make. Then you don't need to add in that step. You just need to put the detail in your copy and make sure that you've mapped everything out, make sure there's a way for people to ask questions and you will be fine with that. But most of the time those people aren't going to want to connect with you up front anyway. They might be shy, they might be nervous, they might not want to make that connection and they might not want to bother you neither, whereas for me, the energy of that group, the energy of that container, is so specific and special to me that I just needed that extra step. If people wanted that clarity. Rather than back and forth on email, let's get on a call, because my extrovert energy is like I want to help you understand. I want to help read your energy too, because we've got to be a match.

Speaker 1:

Back in the early days of my business, it was like, yes, all customers are amazing, all customers are great, but it isn't always the case. Sometimes you are not the perfect person for that customer. That customer is a perfect client for someone, but it might not be for you. So don't be in that trap of thinking all customers are for you, all customers are going to be perfect for you, because it's not necessarily true. All customers are perfect for someone, but you've got to help them find their someone, and it doesn't matter if that someone is not you. There is more customers. There is always more clients. It doesn't have to be that somebody jumps on a clarity call and you have to pour everything into it. What you are doing is just sharing a part of what you have to offer and seeing if someone's a right match for that and if they're not, then you thank them for having that time and you let them move on to go and find their person.

Speaker 1:

It's not about clawing or clinging to things, neither it's about attracting your soulmate clients. It's about attracting the people you really want to work with. That is when your energy is going to be at the highest. That is when you are going to be full on magnetism. That is when people are going to always want to work with you. So if you want to dive into this more, make sure you join the Miraculous Success Academy. This is the type of thing we're going to be working on and moving you through. But you are here to attract your ideal clients. You are not here to claw and grab at them. So please make sure you start to look at your copy and start to think about the type of person you're potentially marketing to, and is that who you want to be marketing to? Because if it's not, then that's when you can start to change and tweak and pivot.

Speaker 1:

But do not just hold on to something because it's always been the way that you do it, because it's always been the way that you do it. Hold on to it because it feels good. Hold on to it because it feels right. Marketing is a true niche in your business that, if you get to a way that you feel comfortable and you know it's attracting the right people in. Oh my God, it's amazing, because it gets so much easier. So please don't worry about being perfect at it. Just worry about who you are actually speaking to and are you speaking their language?

Speaker 1:

For me, I am not looking for an A to Z structured model. It wouldn't sell to me. So if you want me as your client, then think about how you sell to me. Think about heart, think about soul, think about what am I going to get? What vision are you painting as well?

Speaker 1:

If you are wanting that A to Z structured client, stop trying to sell them this blown out vision of the world without telling them how they're going to get there. That is not going to win them over. So use these techniques and if you want to dive in deeper, I do a personality test for you and also take you through it in a way that helps you build your sales in your business. So, if you have been looking to dive deeper and wanting to understand this book, one of those sessions that are available now and I will go through your profile but also help you understand who your ideal client is and how you want to really attract them in. So there's so much going on in June. Make sure you're following along on all of the socials to hear what's happening and if you're not, on my email list, that is where you hear about products and things coming out soon. So please make sure you get on that. But have the best week and I will catch you soon. Bye.