Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Elevate Your Business by Tapping into Intuition

Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 39

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What if blending your intuition with external business strategies could lead to effortless success? This week on the Soulful Badass Podcast, I challenge the traditional approaches to entrepreneurship by emphasising the power of aligning your energy with what truly feels right for you. Discover how identifying the activities that bring you joy and boost your energy can unlock a magnetic quality that opens new pathways to your unique success journey. Embrace the concept that no one has ever run your business before, and you are the ultimate expert in creating a path that lights you up.

And here's the exciting news: the next round of the Miraculous Success Academy kicks off in July! This transformative program is specifically designed to help women tap into their intuition and elevate their energy to achieve unparalleled business success. Listen as I share the inspiring stories of previous participants who have experienced life-changing results. Don't miss this chance to join a cohort of intuitive, successful women. Click the link below for more details and to sign up. Your journey to effortless business success starts here!

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Until next time!

Love, Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass Podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So, if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for mindset, talk, manifestation, magic and incredible interviews with other soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there. Hi everyone, welcome to this week's podcast.

Speaker 1:

In this week's episode, I want to talk to you about your business and how you are the expert in absolutely every aspect of your business. Now let me explain what tends to happen when we start a business. We look at people around us, we look at people who have done it before. We maybe get mentors, we maybe get coaches, we maybe get people who are going to help you with strategy, and we get all of these ideas and concepts and ways of doing business. And we've created this all through our life because we've seen the people who've had the success and we formulate ideas of how success has to come into your business. But the thing is, no one on this planet has ever run your business before Absolutely no one. So why would anyone else have the answer you need? So why would anyone else have the answer you need? Now, I'm not saying don't get guidance, don't get coaches, don't get mentors. Obviously I'm a business coach, so I'm not saying that. But what I'm saying is you have to have the confidence to take on opinions, to take on structures, to take on strategies and work through with your own intuition. Does this feel good for me? Because if it doesn't feel good and your energy isn't aligned to something, you are not going to make it work just by pushing through.

Speaker 1:

So when it comes to business, you can do whatever the hell you want. You can make money in any way, shape or form. There is no rules around how to have success. There is no rules around how to make money in your business. There is literally people making money out of nowhere by doing all sorts of things throughout this world. There's people getting paid to travel, to stay in hotels just by maybe having like a drink on their TikTok channel. There is people playing the piano on YouTube and making a hell of a lot of money.

Speaker 1:

There is so many ways to make money in this life and you are the expert of how you can do it, but what you've got to start to do is learn to listen to your intuition. Learn to run your business from your intuition, from your highest self, from the version of you that knows exactly what is right and what feels good for you, your business and your soul path, because that is ultimately what you are following here. You have a journey in this life and you're meant to be following it, and if you've been drawn to have a business, a business is part of that journey. That is, ultimately it. What we tend to do is put all of our energy into our business, thinking that is the be all and end all. But it's not. It's your life path. What are you here to do? Your business is probably a mechanic of that, but ultimately, the thing you're here to do is the thing you're here to do.

Speaker 1:

So, for instance, for me, I'm here to help people make an impact in this world. That is what I do. So everything I do, whether it's on my TikTok videos, whether it's in my business with clients, whether it's being in my corporate life. When I look back, everything I have done is about helping people have the confidence to make impact in their life, and that is what I'm going to follow. And my business can go down lots of different paths and lots of different avenues, and that could be by writing books, it could be by having the podcast, it could be by coaching, it could be by having Airbnbs where people go and have the best time and have luxurious lifestyles. It could be all sorts of things that helps people have that energy and that confidence to make an impact in this life. So my business could look like many different things and might look like many different things.

Speaker 1:

There is no rules on what I do next. There is no rules on what you do next. It is all about what do you feel completely aligned to and where is your energy flowing now? There might be techniques and tips and tricks that you learn from someone else. That doesn't mean you have to adopt every aspect or else you're a failure. Just because someone else has had success through something and you're trying to follow it doesn't mean that you're going to necessarily have success. One thing you've got to check is is your energy in alignment with this model, with this method, with this way of doing things, and this is why I love the work that I do around intuitive success. What I do with my clients is I help them discover how to align their energy, how to feel the energy of what feels good, how to make business easy and you can do the same.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing I would suggest is have a look at your business at the moment. Maybe make a list of all the things that you like in your business and all the things that you don't like in your business, the things that are working well and the things that are working not so well. Start to get clear on the things that are really kind of feeding your energy. So that list that where things are working well, or the things that you like in your business, the things that you enjoy to do. That's feeding your energy, that's making you become magnetic. When you do what you enjoy doing, when you feel that excitement, when you feel that passion, your energy centers open up, your energy opens up and you become magnetic. That is when you find that you are in the flow, when business just comes easy, when you're able to follow the next thing that lights you up, when you're doing lots of things that drain your energy, that you don't enjoy, that you're doing because you should be doing or you've been told to do. What that does is it restricts your energy, it closes down those energy centers and actually stops you attracting what you want to attract in. So, even though you're doing all of these things because you're told that you'll get success off the back of it, your energy is saying something different and you're not seeing the results that you want.

Speaker 1:

So do this exercise and get really clear where is your energy feeling good in your business? What do you enjoy and where is it not? Now, some of the things in the not list. You might not want to give up completely, you might not want to lose them from your business, but also you might not want to be the one doing them. So then it's about right. How do you make that more fun? How do you attract in the help? How do you get support on that? How do you start to enjoy that or do you really need it in the first place? So it's like an audit of your business and your energy, and this will be so vital to your success If you cut out the things that you think you should do and focus on the things that really light up your energy, you will see a difference dramatically already.

Speaker 1:

Now we have been taught that business, to get any farmer success, you have to work really hard, and that is not true. We are conditioned to believe that hard work equals success or hard work equals results. Actually, that is just a conditioned response. Money does not come from an action. We have just taught ourselves that in order to get money, in order to get success, there has to be an action first. So what you need to start to do is really feed your belief around where money can come from, how money can come into your business, how success can come into your business and your belief, if success and money is easy and can be easy, and the easier you have it that the more you make like the more fun you have, the more money you make.

Speaker 1:

If you start to really pour your energy into these being your new beliefs, that is how easy business can be. So you can start to then feed the energy to the beliefs that you want, rather than feeding the energy to the beliefs that you want, rather than feeding the energy to the beliefs that you have to do certain things in order to create success, and that success has to come at a price or success has to be difficult, because you can run your business any way you want. You are the creator. You can do whatever. If you don't want to have an email list but you want to just purely have social media, then you do that. If you want to only have an email list and you don't want to do social media, then do that. There is ways to attract and ways to bring people in without doing all of the go-to methods that everybody tells you to do. You can. If you don't want to do a launch for a product and you just want to put emails out, if you believe that those emails will bring in the clients, then that is going to work.

Speaker 1:

The thing is, anything will work and anything will sell. You've got to just work on your belief around that. So really it's about making sure, one, where is your energy flowing and what do you want your energy to flow to in your business? But then, two, is your belief backing that up? So, is your belief there? And if not, it's not about changing your business model to suit your old conditioned beliefs. It's about changing those old conditioned beliefs to suit where your energy is at the best. So, where your energy is at its peak, that is where your business needs to flow and, being real, that's where your energy needs to be. But you need to believe that that's where your energy needs to be too.

Speaker 1:

So there's two aspects to this, and once you master this, everything falls into place and you can run your business however you like, because you are the expert in your business. You are the expert in how you deliver your business. You are the expert in everything that is about you and your brand. So it's time to stop looking at everybody else, looking at what you think you should do, looking at the comparison, feeling the imposter syndrome. There is absolutely no imposter syndrome ever, or there shouldn't be, because no one is you, so you can't compare it. You're like apples and pears You're trying to compare the two and you just can't. So you need to start owning that. You are the expert, so you need to start owning that you are the expert, you know where your energy flows and you believe in your success. So when you understand how you want to run your business from you as the expert, you feed your energy into those beliefs that that is how you make money. That is how you have success. Once you master these two parts, you will see miraculous success coming into your life.

Speaker 1:

So if you have any questions on this episode, please come and join the Telegram group or the Facebook group and let's chat. Let's talk about this episode, let's talk about what's coming up in your business, but work through these. Get your energy list of where do you really want your energy to flow and where do you not. What can you cross off your not list? What can you get rid of that you've been doing that you really don't need to be doing. And then how do you feed your belief in success being easy, in success just coming to you in the way that you want to? How do you feed your belief in success being easy, in success just coming to you in the way that you want to? How do you believe fully in that list that does light you up, the one that feels good? Once you know that list, that is where you need to feed your belief. You need to be pouring that. You make money from whatever is on that list. That is where your energy needs to be flowing. So do these exercises. Come back and tell me.

Speaker 1:

I can't wait to hear how it turns out, because you might have some real ahas about how you've been running your business and how you've been letting other people influence your decision making in your business. Because, believe me, you will have. I did for ages, because when I first started it was how do I know how to run a business, all of that stuff? Of course I know how to run a business. It's my business. No one else can tell me how to run it. It is my business. So make sure you are in that same state.

Speaker 1:

And exciting news in July, we are starting the next round of the Miraculous Success Academy. So if you want to understand how to tap into your intuition, how to bring your energy a game to your business and make ultimate success, then make sure you are joining the next round of Miraculous Success Academy. It's going to be absolutely incredible. There's already some amazing women in there and the success that women have been having off the back of this program is incredible, life-changing, and I can't wait to be part of yours too. So if you would like to be part of that quota, make sure you go to the links in the show notes, but have the best week and become the expert in your business, because you already are. Catch you next week. Bye.