Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Empowerment and Finding your Voice in Modern Womanhood

Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 40

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Have you ever felt the sting of societal judgment and wondered how to reclaim your true power and voice?
I invite you to join me in this transformative episode of the Soulful Badass Podcast. Inspired by Suranne Jones' eye-opening program on witch trials, we uncover the deep-rooted "witch wound" affecting women and explore the powerful archetypes of the maiden, mother, and crone. Together, we confront the layers of shame imposed on women at different stages of life and celebrate the freedom to live life authentically, whether that means embracing marriage, motherhood, or forging your own unique path.

In this episode, we boldly reclaim the term "witch" as a symbol of empowerment, sexuality, and voice. By embracing every facet of our being—including the queen, the parts that feel inadequate, and everything in between—we can break free from societal boxes that confine us. This is your call to own your power, speak your truth, and redefine what it means to be a powerful woman today. Plus, don't miss the exciting announcement about my upcoming three-day event in July, the Quantum Success Activation. Let’s come together to unleash the powerful woman within and reshape our destiny. Join me on this empowering journey—I absolutely love you and can't wait to connect with you again next week!

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Until next time!

Love, Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass Podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for mindset, talk, manifestation, magic and incredible interviews with other soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there. Hi everyone, welcome to today's podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

In today's episode I want to talk about such a powerful topic. Now, it's quite apt that this week I've had COVID and it's absolutely wiped me. So if I sound a bit groggy, that is why. But it's also really made me stop talking and save my voice, save my energy, and I think that's really true for what I'm going to talk about today. So whilst I've been, you know, taking some time out, I've watched a program and it's Saran Jones following the witch trials. Now, anybody knows me, they know that I love to talk about that witch wound and really what it's done to us as women, and it's lit a fire inside of me today, and it's lit an energy that needs to be talked about and needs to be expressed. And I've just had a coaching client that I've been speaking to and there's just this level of shame that we do to ourselves as women and not just to ourselves, but to other women as well and there's this level of holding ourselves back, keeping ourselves small, keeping ourselves lower or not using our voice in the way that we want to use it, because we're scared of repercussions, we're scared of what people will say, we're scared of judgment, we're scared of not being liked, we're scared of not fitting in. And today I want to talk about really reclaiming this power, reclaiming this voiceing this energy, whether you want to call it being a woman, whether you want to call it being a witch, whether you want to call it being a queen, whatever it means for you, whatever word you want to put on it, but why don't we reclaim the word witch for ourselves? Why don't we call it back into our power?

Speaker 1:

Because, let's be honest, if I was born 400 years ago, I would have been tarred with the word witch, I might have been branded at the stake and I probably was branded at the stake in my past lives because of the type of woman that I am. And let's explain that. You know I am the maiden, I am the mother. Know I am the maiden, I am the mother, I am the crone. You know, to some people I've been that maiden, I've been that unmarried woman. I've been that energy of temptress, that energy of seduction, that energy of not belonging to a man. And then I've got divorced after being married and and I'm back to that energy of being unmarried, being unnamed, unlabeled. I don't belong to any man. I have that energy of maiden which really would have shocked fear into the hearts of those men at that time. And now you know I am a mother. I'm not a mother who has birthed a child, but I'm a mother to my dogs, my cats. That energy, that mother, is in me, it's in me. And yet I've had so much shame through my life of I've not actually conceived a child, my life of I've not actually conceived a child, I've not ever been pregnant or ever had that opportunity, and it's made me think is it something that's wrong with me? Is it something that I can't have? I've been surrounded by women who have been popping babies out like nothing else. And you know, for me that energy has brought shame. But I am that mother. I am that energy. I have that inside of me. I'm also the crone. I'm 40 years old now, 41. Now some people would look at me as if, oh, I'm so old I know my nieces and nephews probably do and people see you in different lights. Older women would look at me and look how young you are. But at the end of the day, you own that energy.

Speaker 1:

You're going to be all of these stages at some point in time and what we're taught to do as women is shame those elements of ourselves. Or we're not in our 20s anymore, or we've got crow's feet, like we even get compared to, you know, aging animals like crow's feet, like all of those things that make us feel like we're not good enough, make us feel like we've lost some sort of power, or we've lost some sort of energy. When you go through your life and you're in that maiden phase, all you're told to do is get married, find a man, and yet when you're in that crone phase, it's like all you're told to do is look like you did when you were a maiden, when you were younger, when you were in that energy and all of our life we're just taught these stages of shame, these stages of guilt and to not feel like we're good enough. Depending on whatever stage we're at, or wherever we're at, we're always taught that it's not enough, even though it's exactly what you used to be or exactly what you had, and at that point you were shamed into something else. So we've got to really start to reclaim this power back and reclaim that, whatever stage we are at, whatever point we are at whether you have been married, got divorced, had children, not had know, wanted to live a life on your terms, wanted to live a conventional life, whatever that means for you as a woman just own whatever that means for you and allow that to be, as long as you are really living to your truth and your truth alone, rather than everybody else's truth and what they think is for you or what you should do, than what they think is for you or what you should do.

Speaker 1:

And this is a concept that I have struggled with for so long, especially being a spiritual entrepreneur. I think I'm quite out there, but there's a part of me that holds back massively. There's this witch wind within me that doesn't want to just be seen as a tarot reader, because if somebody sees me as a tarot reader, are they going to see me as a an actual coach? Are they going to think I'm legitimate in what I do? And there's this energy of really trying to hide or play down a side of me. There is ultimate power. You know, I am a witch. I am connected. I can do divination. I can connect with energies that most people don't have this power to connect with. I can connect with past loved ones. I can use and manipulate the energies of this world to create the life that I want to live and I help others master that energy too.

Speaker 1:

And this is not something to play down. This is something to be so excited that I am that and like. I have that energy, I have that power. I have that witch inside of me that can create and master this energy, master these unseen forces. And yet I want to be seen as this legitimate coach. And yet I look at these legitimate coaches who use logic and reason and results-based and all of these things, and I think why am I playing down this magic that makes me so amazing to work with? Down this magic that makes me so amazing to work with, so creative to work with, so powerful to work with. And yet I've played this part of me down where I've tried to make it more masculine or tried to make it more suitable for everyone, rather than stepping into the power of what it brings me and actually seeing that, wow, I work with the unseen forces, I have the ability to do that and I'm claiming that energy because of that. I am a witch. I am and I own that. I am a witch and that witch inside me is so damn powerful and I'm at a point now where I can say that out loud and I can say that freely. And, yes, it'll still be judged and yes, there'll still be people with connotations of it. But why not claim back that word? Because, let's be honest, who else here is a witch? Who else here is a witch?

Speaker 1:

And let me run through some of the things that you would have been classed as being a witch for. You know working with plants, working with that energy, being a strong woman, maybe going against what your husband's opinion was, going against what your husband wanted for you. That would have classed you as a witch. Being loud, being outspoken, being powerful in a room, putting your opinion above the men in that room. That would have classed you as being a witch. That would have classed you thinking you had power, being able to manipulate things. So using that power to manipulate things. Now I've done that many of times. I've used my sexual energy to flirt, to influence, to get what I wanted in many occasions, and that would have been classed as that manipulator, that working to tie with men, to own and influence, and it was dangerous and seductive. And that sexual energy, enjoying sex, enjoying orgasms, enjoying that energy of you being able to have pleasure, to have joy that would have caused you to be seen as a witch. And now all the witch trials and everything that happened was about really reducing that women's sexuality, reducing that women's power, reducing anything that linked to us having cycles, us having urges, us having those types of energy inside of us, of energy inside of us.

Speaker 1:

The fact that I'm so influential and other people who are listening to this podcast are so influential. You help people see a different way. You help people work with the unseen forces. You help people to see light that is there. You help people create heaven on earth, which is going against this idea of God and man and all of the things that really would have classed you as a witch. So if you're in that camp, then you know those would have classed you as that person at that time being a rule breaker, being a rebel, being somebody who wants to live life that's not normal, that's different. On their terms, that would have been classed as being a witch.

Speaker 1:

Now all of these things are truly powerful, but yet we shame ourselves for having them. We shame people who don't want a normal nine-to-five job, like we think they're crazy or we. We worry that they're not going to make it or we worry that it's not going to work out for them. All of these things that are constantly around us to keep us small, to keep us in this box. But if you're fallen into this camp, you need to claim your inner witch inside. You need to claim your queen. You need to claim your maiden, your mother, your crone, whatever energy, whatever state you are in and we all have them all you need to claim all parts of you. You need to claim your prostitute energy that tells you you're not good enough, who hides you back, who compares you to other people. You need to embrace her and bring her in and tell her that she's allowed to be safe, now that there is no comparison, that there is no power that can control her unless she allows it. You need to bring that energy in and allow it to be who you need to be. You need to find your voice because you are the witch, you are the woman, you are the power and we need to let this out now.

Speaker 1:

We don't hold the same connotation to the word wizard. We say actually you were a wizard at that. You know, we make it something so powerful, something so lovely. And yet the word witch stirs something inside of us. And it stirs something inside of us because we've been told it's wrong, we've been told it's nasty, it's naughty, it's bad, it's cruel, it's wrong. We've been told it's nasty, it's naughty, it's bad, it's cruel, it's working with the devil, when really it's our power, it's our sexuality, it's our voice, it's our womanhood that needs to come out and it needs to be freed.

Speaker 1:

And if we don't want to carry this word witch with this connotation into the next generations and have women fear their voice, fear standing up, fear living a life outside the norm, then we need to reclaim this word and allow it to be something different. Allow it to be powerful, allow it to be sexy, allow it to be magnificent, because that is exactly what it is, and if anybody heard that on this, my dog has just been barking for extra confirmation. Like that voice, that energy is coming out. So, please, let's reclaim this word. Let's label it something good. Let's reclaim this word, let's label it something good. Let's own it and own who we are. So be outspoken, be powerful, be influential, be that queen, be that maiden, be that that absolute crone that has all that wisdom, and share it. Do not hold back. Just be you, be the woman that you were born to be.

Speaker 1:

Now, this one's a little bit ranty and a little bit like stirring something inside of you, I hope, but that needed to come out and I hope it's connected with the parts of you that really needed to hear this, because the world needs you and your voice. So it's time to shed any fear of speaking your truth and allow yourself to be you, completely you, without any level of shame, guilt, doubt, whatever you've been holding on to. Let it all go and reclaim the woman that you are and the woman that you were born to be. I absolutely love you and I will catch you next week. But, in some exciting news, I've just launched a three-day event in July, which was my quantum success activation, and that is now available to join. So please go to the link in the bio and join me for that amazing event. But for today, let's reclaim the witch inside of you. Catch you soon, bye.