Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Mastering Energetic Strategies for Sales Launches

Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 41

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How do you maintain a high vibration and align your energy for a successful sales launch? Unlock the secrets to elevating your business energetics in this transformative episode of the Soulful Badass Podcast! We unpack powerful techniques to keep your energy high during product offerings, emphasizing the importance of clearly defining what you want to attract and aligning your goals with your energy. Understand the deeper meaning behind your business numbers and how they translate into tangible benefits. Plus, we'll discuss the importance of deeply understanding your target audience and ensuring your offerings resonate on a meaningful level.

Next, we take your selling strategy to the next level by exploring the concept of energetic alignment in pricing and client attraction. Learn how to match your energy and vibration with that of your ideal clients, creating powerful and mutually beneficial relationships. Discover the crucial steps to avoid energetic mismatches by aligning your mindset and spending habits with your pricing. We’ll also delve into identifying and closing energy leaks, ensuring you maintain high-energy touch points with your audience. Authenticity and regular, high-energy contact are key to making sure your message hits home and attracts the right people.

Finally, we focus on keeping your energy and focus high during a product launch. Discover the importance of self-care routines and activities that uplift you, helping to align your energy with attracting the right customers. We’ll share grounding exercises and visualization techniques to connect with potential clients worldwide. Celebrating each new client helps maintain a positive mindset, paving the way for more sign-ups. Reflect on your launch's overall success and energy to set the stage for future triumphs. Don’t forget to join our Soulful Badass Telegram group or for even more support and growth opportunities the Miraculous Success Academy is now open. Get ready to elevate your business with powerful energetics in this incredible Mastermind! Join today.

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Until next time!

Love, Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass Podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So, if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for mindset, talk, manifestation, magic and incredible interviews with other soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there. Hi everyone, welcome to this week's podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

This week, as promised I said, I would talk to you about how to keep your vibration up whilst you're in the middle of a sales launch or you're offering your products out to your clients. Often, when we start to offer things, we can put it out to the world and we will have built up a lot of energy building up to that point. We'll be excited about our offers. We will be really energized by what we're doing and as soon as we put it out, what can often happen is we don't get that same level of excitement back, because your customers are maybe hearing this for the first time. They're not going through the same process as you with thinking about it, knowing how exciting it's going to be, knowing all this information, and that's part of the strategy, of what you need to pour across to your clients during that period where you are launching, and the thing that we often do is we often start to measure the results too quickly. So I'm going to go through quite a few techniques that you can do this week or whenever you're in these launches, and this can apply to anything whether you are applying for a job, whether you are putting a new course out there, whether you are offering a product, whether you are calling something into your life, whatever that is, you can apply these techniques and make sure that you are in the highest vibration to be able to attract that in.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the things is get really clear on what it is that you're trying to attract. Often, we start to think when we're doing a launch or a program or we've got products to offer. We often think about what it is that we want, numbers wise. So we maybe think we want 10 people, 30 people, 100 people, or you want to make 10k, 20k, 100k, whatever that is for you. But the thing is, the number doesn't excite us in any way, shape or form. Yes, the idea of having a million pounds sounds really exciting to say that you're a millionaire, but that's because. What does that bring? What's that millionaire status? It's the status, it's the energy, it's the things you could do with it that brings the excitement.

Speaker 1:

So when you are looking at figures in your business, what does that actually mean to you? What does those 10 people, 20 people, 30 people that you want to attract in? What does that mean? And when you start to get really clear on this, you can see if you're energetically open for it. So if, for instance, you were looking to attract 20 or 30 people to your program and you started to think about the logistics of how that would work, are you excited about having 20 to 30 people in your program or does the size of that overwhelm you? Because it's okay saying I want 30 people, because you're thinking, oh well, that will roughly estimate X amount of numbers in your bank account. But actually, if you're not energetically in that state and you're thinking 30 people might actually overwhelm me, then you are contradicting what. You're not energetically in that state and you're thinking 30 people might actually overwhelm me, then you are contradicting what you're asking for in your launch plan. So, one, get really clear on one, what you're energetically open for, what feels exciting, what feels good, what feels manageable, but with a bit of a stretch, and two, what that number means for you.

Speaker 1:

So if you're looking at a figure as in, like money and monetizing, what does that mean to you? So if you're looking to make, for instance, 100k, and suddenly you're thinking, well, what's 100K going to bring to me? Is that going to be a way to invest in my Facebook ads? Is that going to allow me to buy some new programs? Is that going to allow me to work with the mentor that I've been looking to work with? Is that going to allow me to invest in something? What is that bringing to you? Or is it more exciting, is that going to buy you the car that you're actually wanting or the holiday that you've been looking for? Or is that going to breach the benchmark of your business where you've hit this big milestone?

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter what the thing is. It doesn't matter what it is that you want from it. It can be really logical, it can be really illogical, it can be an absolute splurge. It can be whatever, but what is that feeling you're trying to create, because the number doesn't count. It's the feeling you're trying to create that you need to focus on bringing in. So get really clear on that. Are you open for capacity Like? What does that feel like for you and what does that monetary value feel like for you?

Speaker 1:

And then the next thing to get really clear on is who you are trying to attract, or who your products are perfect for. So, for instance, I have one of my clients and I hope she's listening but she does the most amazing artwork and I always say to her you need to start thinking of your prices around where that piece of artwork wants to sit. So does it want to sit in a high-end house that's ultra modern, someone with a lot of money who really buys art because they value it? Or does it want to sit in somebody's house that's going to go and buy something that's £10 from the local home bargains? Or in the US, we're talking about Target. So that's a very different buying market and that's a very different type of person who is buying those things.

Speaker 1:

So you've really got to think of the products you are selling, whether that's a mindset thing, or whether that's a physical product, you've still got to think of the energy of the person who's buying it, the energy and the personality. So, for instance, if you're selling really vibrant pieces of art, you want someone who's a bit quirky, who has one of those houses that's really kind of like chic but then got these splashes of like odd quirkiness all round. That's the type of energy you want to be talking to. It's a very different type of person to someone who lives in a beige house, has magnolia walls, has a cream sofa, all of them things. So you've got to get into the energy and the vibrancy of the person that you are speaking to.

Speaker 1:

Again, with mindset side of things, who is it you want to be working with? If you were a coach in some farm and you're working one-on-one or in groups with people, what type of energy and personality dynamics do you want inside that group? If you want someone who's really vibrant and energetic in that way, then you've got to start to think are you a mirror for that person? Are you going to be drawing them in with your vibrancy, with your energeticness, or are you holding yourself back and being quite calm and distant, because often those two aren't going to attract each other quite easily, because often those two aren't going to attract each other quite easily. So you've got to start to think who is it you want to attract and are you a vibrational match for that? So one of the exercises you can do to maintain your frequency and check that you are on course before even starting your launch, or if you're midway through and it's not going well, you can still do this exercise.

Speaker 1:

What I would start to do is get a piece of paper and split it down the middle. On one side, think of all the things that you really want in a customer, all the things you love. Like we said with the art, what type of house they have, what type of personality they have. Same with mindset what type of personality they have, how do they show up, how do they pay you? Do they pay in full, do they pay on time? All this type of stuff. What is it that you really want in a customer? What is it you absolutely love and it gives you energy from your customers.

Speaker 1:

On the other side of the paper, put all the things that you don't want from a customer so maybe paying late, having trouble with payments, you know, bringing down the group coming in all the time being flat, coming in, you know, feeling sorry for themselves or overtaking things, you know, because they're not in the best space or whatever, but they're not really getting a resolution, all these types of things. Or it could be someone who's you know. You might be quite introverted and you might want a group of people who are a bit more reserved, are a bit more quiet, so you might be looking for that energy and that's the type of thing you write down on your pros list and then on your cons list you might be writing no, I don't want people who are really loud, really talkative. You know that type of thing overtake the group. So you can start to really get that energy on paper of what you do want and what you don't want and this goes down to not just personality but buying preferences, anything you are looking for in your business. So if you want somebody to be really engaged and really taking part, doing the homework and all those things, then write that down, get that on a piece of paper. Then this is where the best bit comes in.

Speaker 1:

We talked last week about mirroring and how you've got to really be a mirror for what you want. So, when you think of mirroring, you now need to go down that piece of paper and go right, what am I not doing? Or what am I doing? So, for instance, if you're wanting someone who pays in full and you're charging high ticket prices or whatever it is, but you are someone who has never paid in full for a course, you're not necessarily energetic in the vibration to be able to attract that in. Or you're going to have to do some mindset work around getting yourself to the energy of that, because there's been a block for you sometimes for paying in full, and it might be that you love payment plans and you love to pay stuff over time. I've done both, but the fact that I've done both allows me, then, to energetically offer both options and know that both are right for whoever chooses it. So you've got to start to look at all of these types of things Again.

Speaker 1:

If you're charging something like so, say, for the art, if you're charging 200 pounds for a piece of your artwork, but you would never pay 200 pounds for a piece of art, there's an energetic mismatch between who you are being and who you are looking to attract. So remember, like attracts like, so you have to show up as the version that you want to be when you are not only selling to these people, but you are on a level of power with these people. You don't want to sell from a place of you know power to lack or lack to power. So, for instance, you want to sell from power to power. If you're selling from a point of view of you're wanting people to pay high ticket prices, but you've never paid high ticket prices, you are going into that mindset. You are going into that exchange from a lower point.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you can do it, but you've got to focus on getting your energy and your vibration to match that client energy and your vibration to match that client. Same thing if you are asking for low value prices, your low ticket prices and yet you are constantly spending so much on your inner work and then you're giving so much but you're undervaluing your prices. What you are actually attracting then is people who are going to undervalue. So you've got to start to look at this energy match in your prices, in the people you're attracting, so that you can go right. What have I done in the past? Where am I at energetically and am I asking to match that? Because what that does is it feeds your energy as you are attracting people in. You're working with people who give you that buzz. It feeds your energy as you are attracting people in. You're working with people who give you that buzz, give you that energy, and it's very, you know, inspiring to have that type of person either in your group or buying from you because they're energized by it.

Speaker 1:

So really make sure and check down that list whether there's anything that you are not doing. So if you're, for instance, doing a mindset or a you know, a coaching program in any way and you never do the homework, but you want someone who's going to do the homework, you may be not going to attract that in. So start to really think around these energy leaks that you have and start to close the gap or do some mindset work around it so that you can be energetically in the right state to attract in exactly who you want. And this allows you to not only be honest with who you want to attract in, but you can be honest with yourself about where you can up your energy and where you can up your game. And it's not about oh, I've never paid in full for a program, so I've got to go and buy a program now it's just looking at. Well, that's fine. So am I fully bought into people attracting people who are going to pay in full? And you can do that even if you have never done it yourself before. You just need to be energetically behind what it is that you're asking for.

Speaker 1:

So we make sure that there's no energy leaks, no vibration that's going to sneak out as you're going through the launch, because what will happen if you don't confront these? Then it'll sneak in and go. Well, you're asking people to do this, but you haven't done it yet. No one else is going to do it. You know how our ego loves to turn up and tell us that. So that's what could happen if you don't face these as energy leaks up front. So definitely do this mirroring exercise just to clear any energy. Get your focus on where you need to be so that you can show up as your best self.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is really try and plan your touch points. So if you have a two-week launch or you're setting up for a big show or there's something happening, start to think about your touch points. Start to think about how you can share your message in the best possible way and what that feels like in a good way for you. So what is going to feel exciting with you having touch points with your clients or future clients? How are you going to feel energized by showing up Now?

Speaker 1:

Often we think, well, we've got to send an email, or we've got to send a newsletter, and we've got to do X amount of posts on Instagram, and we've got to do this. And we've got to do X amount of posts on Instagram, and we've got to do this and we've got to do that, and we have all these shoulds. But the only thing you need to think of is you need regular contact in order to get your message out, and that needs to be regular. That needs to be a drumbeat, because people see you on different times, different days. They're not always online. So that little ego voice that comes in and tells you you're talking about this too much, it's not true, people aren't seeing it, and if they're thinking you're talking about it too much, they're just not your client, so don't worry about that.

Speaker 1:

So really start to think of what are your touch points going to be. What are they going to be that fills you with energy? If you hate writing emails, is that the best format for you to do it in. Could you record a video and send that via an email to make it more exciting, rather than doing writing? If that's not the way for you, there's so many things that you could mix up and change, but make sure your energy is priority.

Speaker 1:

As long as you're getting your message across in some way, shape or form, the energy you do it in is what counts. It isn't about being, you know, some robot that can do everything. You just need to be showing up in your authentic self, but doing it regular. So really think about these touch points, but allow some room for intuition to flow in as well. So if you feel like going live without telling anybody you can go live. You can do that.

Speaker 1:

So don't feel like you need to plan to the nth degree. You can have a little bit of intuition playing to this, but when you leave it all to intuition, sometimes if you're a bit of a planner, or you're not touching your base or you're letting your ego get involved during a launch, you're not going to show up as well as you really hope. So make sure you do a little bit of planning so that you know that you've got this drumbeat and your energy is going to be high throughout it. Now it doesn't mean to plan all your content up front, but just have an idea of how you want to go on and then, when you go to it, you can start to think right, does a life feel good today? If not, then you know, let's record a video, put that out, do what's going to energize you, but don't let your ego hold you back. Neither. It's all about you showing up as your authentic self. So don't let your ego get in the mix of saying, oh no, you're talking about this too much. You cannot talk about what you're passionate about too much. If you cannot talk about what you're passionate about too much, if anybody's told you that, then they are not your people. So if you are being stopped by talking about how you can help people and how you can bring something amazing to the world, then your ego needs to do one, because you are here not to sell to people, but to share what your magic is, and that is what you do through selling. So please do not let your ego get in the way with that.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is really focus on something else through your launch. So what we tend to do is we launch something and then all we're looking at is other sales coming in. Are people buying? Are we doing this? Are we doing that? How can I change it? How can I do this?

Speaker 1:

It gets exhausting. Go out and do something different. Plan something every single day that's going to energize you in some way. That's about you. Go and get your nails done. Go and get your hair done. Go and do something that makes you feel good. Go and do something different without your phone, so that you can go and enjoy some time away and focus on something else other than people buying your products, because that is what we get sucked into. We get sucked into are people buying, are people buying? And then our minds coming in and going, no, not yet, not enough, not enough, not enough. And what we're creating during that launch is not enough, because our energy needs to be in the state of of course it's happening. So really start to go and do something different.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is really do not evaluate until it's over the doors. Do not close until the doors close. So there is no point on day one going well, there's not that many people signed up yet. What happens with that energy is you then create and manifest that into your launch, so you project that into your launch that not many people are signing up. You've got to go into the energy of you, are attracting exactly what you set out to attract and more you are calling in your people what you set out to attract and more you are calling in your people. So instead of evaluating and every time you really get stuck into this evaluating start to energetically call in your people. So just sit down, get yourself nice and comfortable and just breathe, take some nice deep breaths and connect with the center of you.

Speaker 1:

You can ground your energy at this point by really kind of thinking. There's roots going down into the mother earth and that just grounds you and centers you. And grounding is very, very important during a launch because what we do is we go higher, higher, higher, getting into our minds rather than in our heart and our earth zone. So really ground your energy and from this state, all you can do which is amazing is start to imagine your energy going out of your body as a white light and going further and further and circling the whole of the world. So your energy is this golden, white or white light wrapping around the whole of the world. And as your energy does this, what it does is it connects with people that you are drawing in. So when you're in this energetic state and you are covering the whole world, start to see little lights come on. Start to just light up little lights inside that world. That are your people and as you light them up, you are calling their energy into you, you are calling them back home, you are allowing them to find you. So just do this and breathe and take some nice deep breaths and just say you know where to find me. I'm here, I'm ready, and just allow those lights to get brighter and brighter and feel them getting closer and closer to the centre of you. This is a gorgeous meditation to do and I will dig out my calling in your ideal client meditation for you and put that somewhere. So watch for the show notes in that. But really do this exercise and call those lights into the center of you and energetically, what you are doing is giving them a pathway to find you. You are energetically mapping. The you are doing is giving them a pathway to find you. You are energetically mapping the steps.

Speaker 1:

Do not underestimate the power of this technique. People will show up from nowhere. It is so powerful and I honestly cannot say enough to do this every single day. Even if you're not launching, you can call your people in every single day. Even if you're not launching, you can call your people in every single day. So remember, if you're ever getting stuck in the evaluating before it's too early, just sit back ground, call your people in, call those lights into you, because they are looking for you too, for you too. And then, whatever you do, do not evaluate even at midpoint, because all you need to do is work on your energy being.

Speaker 1:

Anything can happen during this launch. Anything can happen. Anybody can join at any second. People can join in the last minute. Anything can happen. That is the energy you want to keep as this launch goes through. So make sure you are keeping in that state. Now, at the end of the launch, when the doors close and you have done all this energy work, you are going to be in a good state, but your ego will probably creep in at that point and tell you something isn't enough. So just allow yourself at that point to just really reflect on what you did during that launch. How was your energy? How amazing were all those clients that you got and really start to celebrate what you've done. And you can celebrate your clients as they join.

Speaker 1:

So one thing I did miss there is making sure you do celebrate your clients as you join. So remember that every time someone joins and you focus on someone joining, what you're doing is focusing on someone joining, which creates the universe to mirror that back to you. So then another person will join and another person will join and another person will join. But what we tend to do during a launch is we go oh well, I've only got one person, yet You've got one person. So if you focus on, oh my God, someone has bought my product. Oh my God, someone has joined my program, that is amazing. That energy is very different to well, I've got one and I wanted five. When you're saying I've got one and I wanted five, what you're saying is you're missing four. So you're constantly putting out there you're missing four, whereas actually if you focus on, oh my God, I've got this amazing client in, what you're attracting is another amazing client for you to celebrate again, because the universe wants to give you where your focus is going. So the more you celebrate, the more people will actually attract into that energy. So celebrate all the way through and celebrate at the end so that you can see how amazing it was.

Speaker 1:

Even if the whole point of your launch was you trying something new and putting yourself out there, that is a huge win. Do not underestimate the power of that and then have a real look at. Well, is there any areas that I want to change for next time? It's not about throwing the baby out the bathwater. It's really about right, how do I want to improve for next time so that you can really start to work through. All this energy and these techniques that I'm sharing with you are going to skyrocket your launches.

Speaker 1:

So please make sure you come and join the Soulful Badass Telegram group.

Speaker 1:

That is where you know you've got a bit of access to me as well, so if you want to ask any questions on this, that's a perfect place to go.

Speaker 1:

But, even more importantly, the Miraculous Success Academy is open and there is an intake happening now. We're going to be kicking off end of July, beginning of August, so make sure you grab your place if you're not in there, because this is exactly what I teach through my programs that you get all access to, plus coaching with me, plus some bonuses that I'm gonna be adding later this week, so make sure you go and check that out. But that is where you can really dive into getting the energetics into your business and expanding things to a whole new level. So please, if you're interested, reach out. We can chat. There is clarity calls available, but if you're interested and you're ready to dive in, then make sure you go and grab your place. I hope this last couple of weeks around selling has really helped you and made you think about your sales in a different way, and I'll catch you next week for more from Soulful Badass. See you then.