Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Transform Your Business: The Power of Trusting Your Gut

Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 48

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Is your logical mind holding you back from real success in your business? In this episode of the Soulful Badass Podcast, I, Rachel Jackson, break down how one client’s bold move to ditch a draining job and follow her heart to Ibiza unleashed a wave of unexpected opportunities and wins. I’ll show you how making decisions from your future self—not your current situation—can transform your life.

It’s time to get real about how over-relying on logic, especially when it’s tied to scarcity and past failures, can stall your growth. I’ll guide you through the power of tapping into your heart and intuition to create a life and business that feel truly magical. And don't miss out—join our  Soulful Badass Telegram group to connect with a community that’s all about embracing intuition and making this journey something extraordinary.

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Until next time!

Love, Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass Podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for mindset, talk, manifestation, magic and incredible interviews with other soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there. Hi everyone, welcome to this week's podcast. This week I really want to dive into how you start to use your heart in your business rather than your head. Your head will try and manage your business for you. It will try and plot every route and it will try and be logical and sensible, but that is not how you have massive success in your business and if you listen to any entrepreneur who has had epic level of success, they will always talk about this added thing that they listen to. They either call it intuition, they call it energy, they call it luck. There is something added that is not just their mind and their strategy because they know that there is something else guiding this energy and something else guiding this success. And your mind will only use the information it has or can see around it. So your mind is only looking at past results, it is only looking at the old version of you. It cannot see this future sense, it cannot see this energy that you possess inside. So when we only listen to our minds and our logic in business, we really do stall any level of success that we want, because we're constantly in this, needing more energy. There's something missing energy because your mind tells you that, because it works from a lack mindset, it works from a negative. Because it does that? Because it's always looking backwards. And if you are wanting to create something you have never created before, it is going to tell you you have never done this before, so you are starting from the back foot. You need to learn something or you need. You have never done this before, so you are starting from the back foot. You need to learn something or you need to have something added in order to gain this new version of you. But your intuition, your heart, knows that that is not the case. It knows that you have every step inside. It knows that you have every action mapped out already. You just don't know it yet. Every action mapped out already. You just don't know it yet. So once you stop listening to your head and start accessing your heart and your intuition in your business, everything changes. And I'm going to talk you through one of my clients journeys, which just really shows how amazing this is once you start doing it.

Speaker 1:

So I've been working with one of my friends and we've been working together for a while, since I did a tarot reading for her last year and she's done Manifest your Magnificent Life and recently done Quantum Success Activation, which has absolutely transformed everything. Now what has happened was she wants to live in Ibiza. She absolutely loves that island. It just sets her soul on fire. So, firstly, she has that connection where her soul is lit up to a place and she's honoring it and that is where she wants to be. But she's starting her business and things are getting started and she was brave enough because she was burnt out. She was brave enough to leave her job, which is absolutely incredible, but she honoured her heart and said this isn't working. This is draining me. I'm leaving my job, which is absolutely amazing, especially when you're just starting up in business.

Speaker 1:

So she's been working on her business, absolutely killing this startup, really moving forward, getting leads, generating things, but at the moment winding down her savings, like is normal when you start a business, because you're pouring more in, sometimes because you're getting the foundations laid and you're building things up, you're building new credibility. Sometimes the money takes a while to flow in. So what's been happening is that energy has been seeping into a mindset and we've been working together a bit around this. But what has happened was there'd been a really exciting opportunity. Come in Now. The old way of working was oh, my money's moving down, it's getting lower, I need to go and get a job. So what she did do was go and source a temporary, short-term contract to be able to fund her for a few more months, which is brilliant. Everybody, if you are struggling in your business and you are looking for ways, there is always other ways and sometimes getting short-term contracts or a temporary role or a part-time job is not defeat. It's just funding your dream. So please do not ever think that is defeat. But she'd sourced this new temporary contract and then, out of the blue, what happens? She gets an offer to house, sit in Ibiza for a full month for free. So what do you do Now? At this point? This is when we were chatting and her heart sunk at the idea that she couldn't go to Ibiza to do this because of this job.

Speaker 1:

And I knew at this point the universe is testing you and I want to break down these tests. So, in quantum success activation, what we do and this is what I teach all the time you jump to the highest timeline, you jump to actually your desired timeline and you activate it. And when you activate your desired timeline, you are saying to the universe this is what I want, this is what I want to create, this is the dream life I want. So everything moves towards you having that lifetime being that person, and what that takes is for you to make decisions as that person, rather than where you are in your current reality. So over a series of weeks, months, whatever it is, you will be faced with certain decisions that you need to make. That might make your old self feel quite uncomfortable, but if you step into your new self and you feel into that energy and ask from that position, what should I do, you get a completely different answer and you know exactly what you should do.

Speaker 1:

So when we spoke earlier, what was happening was old self was taken over. The worry, the fear, how can I do this? I don't have the money? There's only this much in my account. I've got this job coming up. I can't take backward on that All of these things were going through our mind. So old self was taken over, whereas the universe was going. I'm giving you this gift here, like. This is your choice. Do you want to step up or not?

Speaker 1:

So when we broke it down, I asked her this question If you needed to make money today, what would you do? And I want everybody to think about this, because there is always a way If you have something you are wanting to do and you're thinking you don't have the money, ask yourself the question If you needed to make money today, what would you do? And she went well, I'd sell my car. I could ask my mom, I could do such and such. And we had about three or four things coming out and it was like right, you are not going to need to sell your car, but you've opened up an idea for abundance. You have opened up a door now for abundance to flow in what was happening before, where you keep watching the money going down. What you're doing is watching the money going down and creating more of that as soon as you go. There is a way. Let's work through it. What are my options? Then, suddenly, we had four options on the table of ways that she could make money today. So that completely changed everything.

Speaker 1:

We left the conversation and I was like, right, go and think about these things and see what lights you up, and see if this is possible, because there has to be a way to make this happen. Your soul literally lights up. You've just got excited, and she got so excited on the phone and it's like you know, this is the direction. That's your heart telling you you need to follow it. Left the conversation, all was well. Got a voice note an hour later to discover that the tax return she thought was coming in in January, which was quite sizable, has now been sent to her account and is sat in her account pending. Boom, there is the result of how she can go and do that house-sitting opportunity. So this stuff works so quick.

Speaker 1:

One way you follow what lights you up. You don't take the sensible approach, you don't use your logical mind, you don't say, well, I have to do this or should do this, or all the people pleasing things that we all do. You've got to fall into the trap of what lights me up inside. What is my heart telling me to do as my next step? Because that is your navigation through this life, not your head, and, most importantly, this is your navigation through your business. So, not only would she now spend a month in Ibiza, she's getting a month worth of content for her business. She's getting into that abundant mindset. She's getting into the energy of what lights her up being around water, being in the sunshine, doing all the things that sets her soul on fire, just from looking at things slightly different and going.

Speaker 1:

If this could be possible, how can I make it happen? So what do you need to start doing in your life to go? If this could be possible, how can I make it happen? So what do you need to start doing in your life to go? If this could be possible, how do I make it happen? How do I make that reality happen for me? Because there is always a way, and if you are on the verge of a massive breakthrough, yes, the universe will test you, and this is not like a pop quiz. It's not like you get the answer wrong and it's gone forever. It's literally. It will come and go.

Speaker 1:

How committed are you to that dream? Are you working from old you or new you? And to get your manifestations coming through quicker, you choose new you all the time. That's as simple as it needs to be. We overcomplicate everything, but once you allow yourself to operate from this highest version, the universe shows up Like that money. She didn't know was going to be there at all. She was going through options around planning it, you know, selling her car, but there is always a way. So if the universe tests you, you've got to show up in your new version. There's no old version. There's no waiting till when we don't know how long we have here to be waiting. So why do you want to wait even a second? It's time to start moving and it's time to get your dreams going.

Speaker 1:

So if the universe tests you, you go with version 2.0 of you and answer that question fully with confidence, knowing that you are going to be completely backed up If you choose old version. What you're asking for is more of the same. You're just accepting the life as it is at the moment. You're accepting your current 3D reality as you see it. So if there's things in your life that you don't like, you're accepting all of that. If you choose to answer these tests from the current version, if you decide to jump into who you could be and answer from that state, that is when everything changes. So if you want to learn more about this, then get Quantum Success Activation. It's now available to buy and work through in your own time and it's an absolute game changer.

Speaker 1:

But just know that there is always a way. So what is your way? What is it that you now could look at and go right? How could I actually do that? What if there was another way? What if I could be open to more suggestions of how this could work? Or if your idea is money, how can you make money today if you were up against it and you had to make money? There is always a way. So how could that happen for you? And it's maybe not make money, but attract money, ask for money. Whatever it is, there's always a way. So I just wanted to share this story. I had complete permission to share it with you, but it was so mind blowing that, literally within an hour of that conversation. The money was there, and not just a bit of money, not just like a bit to tide her over, like the big chunk of money was there, which is amazing.

Speaker 1:

So start to think for yourself. How could you let more magic into your life, how could you show up better for yourself? By using your heart and not your head. Your head will never have got you anywhere. You'll always have them moments where you're like oh, when I trusted my gut, everything got really good. Yeah, because it's telling you, it's your navigation system, it's your compass, it's your soul, it's your route to get through life.

Speaker 1:

The more you don't listen to this, the more your emotions dip. And I talk about this tuning fork all the time. Talk about this tuning fork all the time. But your emotions are like a tuning fork inside your body. As soon as you don't feel good, it's because you are out of alignment and your tuning fork is all out of sync. As soon as you start to follow what lights you up, your tuning fork's like zing, it's happening and it absolutely loves it. And then you get that buzz of excitement and that thrill and it's so amazing.

Speaker 1:

And when you live from that place, magic happens and it happens regular. This isn't like a one-off occurrence. This isn't a miracle that just happens once. This is all of the time you start to look around your life and you're like, wow, how, how is this so magical and this can happen for you too. So please do not underestimate the power you have when you start to follow your heart.

Speaker 1:

Get out of your head today. Start using your heart and your intuition. If you want to work with me on this, then there's loads of coaching packages available in order to work with me as your mentor. But, honestly, just get out of your head and start using your heart and see how magical life can be, because you deserve it. You're here to make massive impact and the world is waiting for you to wake up to that and waiting for you to ignite that intuition inside and set your soul on fire, which you know exactly how to do. You've just got to let those desires take over and know that your heart is worthy of listening to.

Speaker 1:

So I hope you enjoyed this message this week. Let's all just celebrate this and if you have any amazing stories coming from using your heart and your business, come and share them in the Soulful Badass Telegram group. That is an amazing group where you get access to me. You're in there, we can chat, but that is your place. If you want to follow along and get into any of my communities, it's absolutely brilliant, so please come and join it and have the best week. I'll catch you soon. Bye you.