Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Unlocking Spiritual Awakening: Debbie Zita on Six Selves, Divine Femininity & Success

Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 51

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What if balancing your human emotions with a higher sense of purpose could unlock your full potential? In this episode, I sit down with the incredible Debbie Zita, founder of the Heart Centred Way. Debbie takes us on a journey through her life’s most defining moments— from her childhood connection to the universe to navigating a divorce and the heartbreaking loss of her mother. Through it all, Debbie’s spiritual awakening led her to channel divine wisdom and develop her transformative self-inquiry model: the six selves (r).

We dive deep into the beautiful (and sometimes messy) dance between emotional chaos and spiritual transcendence. Debbie opens up about the power of gratitude, mindfulness, and staying grounded when life feels like a whirlwind. Her insights on integrating spirituality into everyday life will remind you how important it is to balance your heart and mind, and we also explore what it really means to embrace divine femininity, self-love, and resilience to thrive through adversity.

Debbie introduces us to the six selves of fulfilment, and we dig into how these principles impact both personal growth and business success. She shares how embracing her sexuality unlocked new levels of abundance in her career. We talk openly about society’s programming around sex and money, and the power we, as women, reclaim on the journey to independence and strength. From heart-centred meditation practices to exploring ego archetypes, Debbie’s story is a powerful reminder that aligning with your soul’s purpose and trusting your deepest desires can completely transform your life.

If you’re ready for some serious soul inspiration, don’t miss this episode!

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Until next time!

Love, Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass Podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul-aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for mindset, talk, manifestation, magic and incredible interviews with other soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there. Hi everyone, welcome to today's podcast. Today I have a special guest all the way from Australia, so we've managed to navigate the time zones and get this happening. But today I'm sat with Debbie Zeta, who's the founder of the Heart Centred Way. Hi, debbie, Welcome to the podcast. Thanks for joining.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. I'm very grateful to be here.

Speaker 1:

I'm just happy that we managed to get you on eventually. It's great. So mine and Debbie's paths crossed when we did the Transformation Within book a couple of years ago now, and that was Debbie's third book, so I'll let her share more around what she's been up to. But do you want to share what your journey's been like, what you do and and where you are now and what's going on?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I'm happy to share.

Speaker 2:

Um. Okay, where to begin? So we were talking just before this about um, how far back everything kind of starts, and I often joke that it's. It wasn't just sort of a business, although I've been in this business for the last five years, but I think everything kind of started for me at the age of three, when I was in in, you know, at the ripe old age of three, and I was in kindergarten and had this kind of moment of remembering myself in in past lives and sort of the lessons and just this feeling of connecting to creator, into the universe, and I asked you know, why am I back again? And I remember actually being quite angry at that time, like I was like, oh, like I did something wrong. I'm back here again, right. And then I thought that everyone else like had that same kind of realization or saw the world the same way. And then, of course, as you get older well, as I got older I realized, oh my goodness, how embarrassing. Like not everyone, you know, first of all, believes in reincarnation and, secondly, some people don't question that until they're in their, you know, later years in life and some people don't question that at all. But that was a huge part of my kind of, you know, my first period of okay, the universe and me, who am I? Why am I here?

Speaker 2:

The next thing, I think, was age 19, after a breakup. So I would describe myself as a little bit or a lot boy obsessed and I would go from you know, boyfriend and boyfriend and I was very much. Everything was around getting married and that was kind of you know, the job and the friends. It was like, oh, that's okay, but the thing was get married. So I had my first real kind of heartbreak and I was really, really down. I was very lost and I was writing in my journal and this had never happened before. So it was quite remarkable. It was like a dear diary. Woe is me. Why do you know? Why does the world hate me? All that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2:

And I had this almost the same kind of feeling as when I was three, like a boom, boom, like something just kind of like landed. And I was now no, I was channeling divine wisdom at age 19. So I was writing to my guides, I was connecting to divine wisdom. I was terrified because I was also I was just about to study psychology, so I thought something like has something like is something wrong, like what's happening, you know so, um, that was a big moment as well. 27, another one mum passed away when I was pregnant. Um, I was connecting with mum in spirit. I didn't know anything about that either and people started calling me a medium and a psychic and labeling, and I found that all sort of very confronting as well.

Speaker 2:

Um, at age 35, I had my first true self retreat. So I found a meditation teacher, because life had just gone a bit kind of strange and at that point I was just about to head into my divorce, which if anyone's been through it knows it's not an easy period, although I like to say we navigated it beautifully and we're 10 years on and we're friends and we co-parent, but from a, you know, emotional perspective, very, very challenging. So I enrolled in true self retreat, which was thousands of hours of regressions and learning about the spiritual heart and understanding ourselves really beyond form, and it took a lot to get me to that retreat and I felt immensely grateful to be there and to have this experience of. You know it's in some words, it's called samadhi. It's bliss, it's yeah, it's transcendence, it's connection sometimes, for they do this through ayahuasca or through different ceremonies. For me it happened to be through my heart. There was nothing else sort of involved, and then it was okay, I'm changed forever. How do I bring that into my daily life?

Speaker 2:

And then struggles came, because I felt really disconnected from my life, because that experience was so profound for me that I kind of had to find how to, how to implement and how to integrate everything right, and so this is where I started to put together the heart-centered way. So in one year this was five years ago now I met my beautiful current life partner. I created a business that brings in on average six figures per year. I created a self-inquiry model called the six selves and I've used everything that I've been through and I haven't really shared a lot of the adversity, because I don't, unless it kind of necessarily comes up. But there was what I call a dark decade of the soul, where there was about 10 years of just rough stuff.

Speaker 2:

But then I use that to support predominantly women who are in their lives and feel a bit lost, women who are in their careers and might be thriving but feel like is there something that I'm missing that I haven't found, you know, in Bali, or in my travels or in my yoga class or with my psychologist or whatever it might be who are running, I guess, similar sort of businesses to me wellness or creative businesses or serving women or men in that way but haven't quite made the money yet. So they're at a point where they're like I'm on Insta, I've got the followers, I've got the fans and I love it, but I'm actually not bringing in any money. And that was a kind of moment for me where I was like you know, draw the line in the sand, I'm not working for someone else, where I was like you know, draw the line in the sand, I'm not working for someone else, I don't want to. It works for some people, that's totally fine. I don't want to. This is going to work. You know, universe, help me, show me Like, show me how to work this right. And it was and it did.

Speaker 2:

It took time and it still is a process. You know, you and I spoke about that before as well have your cycles. But when I look back, for me this is unheard of that I've like a little odd me by myself. I've bought in, you know, six figures every year for close to five years. That's huge and then now it's like.

Speaker 2:

That to me is amazing. But I feel like I also want to level up and go into. You know what is next for me? So my whole thing is playing bigger, which is that next level, which people know that concept quite well, whether that's 10k, 20k, 20k, 50k, 100k months speaking on stages, your book out, whatever that thing is for you, and also playing beautiful. So playing bigger, playing beautiful because the beautiful and if anyone's got the audio, I'm pointing to my heart center, because beautiful is your heart right. So it's that inner beauty which is what became so palpable during the true self retreat and also during other times in my life where I've lost a lot of friends and family yeah and so, you know, looking at, well, this whole life is really transient.

Speaker 2:

And so what? What else is there? What is that place beneath, you know, whether we call it from spirit, whether it's Archangel, michael, the masters, the ascended light for some people it's Jesus and Mary, for others it's something else, religious, for others it's nature, it's their exercise, it's their, you know, it's their yoga matter, it's painting, it doesn't matter what that is, but it's finding that, oh, that's that's me, that's me and the universe together, yeah, and then putting that into our lives and our businesses. So we're actually operating from a state of grace, gratitude, while also being, you know, in using your language, badass and valuing ourselves that energy and the energy of unconditional love simultaneously. So I hope that that has answered your question in a very long way it has, and it's given me loads of questions on that.

Speaker 1:

So one, what a beautiful journey all the way through, and I'm curious, what so you did psychology? Did you go into that as a profession before moving into the heart centered way?

Speaker 2:

Good question. No, it didn't. It didn't work out for me for a variety of reasons. But I did my undergraduate and I was very frustrated and was really unsure where I fit in and I ended up doing I was actually enrolled in a master's of counseling and then I foregoed that to go and do a bachelor of social work.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so that which is also not quite me, but yet I had an amazing learning experience because I was running in my early twenties um a mental health program for, for, for aged care outreach.

Speaker 2:

So, it was pretty hardcore to be out in the community and working with people that had quite severe mental health challenges and going and liaising with their GPs, with their psychiatrists, with their family members, and I think that's where I really began to understand the whole picture of a human, before it became sexy and marketable as holistic, because this was back in, you know, early 2000s, my age, and then from there I moved into marriage and parenting, which I think kind of took over for a long time, and I always worked.

Speaker 2:

I'm someone, that's all. I've had a job since I was 15. So whether it was working in hospitality or retail, or studying, training or cognitive behavioral therapy or something, I was always doing something. In fact, that's when I wrote my first book was when I was very little and I joke, it was in the bathroom on my iPhone in between, because he didn't sleep. So it was like I just need like, while he's kind of sleeping, I will either sleep or go on my phone and pretend to write this book, because I never thought it was going to be published.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, well, if anybody, everybody knows, I do most of my business from the bath, so that is my most creative space. So I'm totally with you in that. I'm glad it's not just me. No space. So I'm totally with you in that. I'm glad it's not just me, no, no, it's weirdly where I get the best ideas. So, yeah, christina, who we both know I'll just be laughing now because she used to get messages from me like can we launch this course tomorrow please? Yeah, just had a bath, it's gorgeous. So when you were running through that, I just thought there was so many things that one I can relate to because there's so many similarities between our journey. But I, my journey started from about 35, where I went to a meditation class and that was what started my intuition, maybe a bit slower than yours, with that intensive but, um, I'm intrigued to go back to the memory, when you were three, and did you at that point have an idea, that of what it was like before coming to earth, before you reincarnated?

Speaker 2:

I love this question. Thank you for asking such a deep question. I had a sense at that age that I was extremely old, that I had been here many, many times and there was almost I think there was where this sort of anger came from, which I will clarify because that's actually not the best attitude, spiritually speaking, which speaking, which I then, you know, learned as I developed and became older and, you know, beautiful reminder for me today. You know it's been raining here and I was a bit grumpy in my own kind of, and it's like that's. You know, we all visit those spaces but that's not really where we want to be living because, you know, I'm in Australia. It's an amazing country we're so blessed to here. I just went for a walk and bought a coffee. I really I want to be grateful. I was going to say should, but therapists always tell you don't use the word should, but I could be more grateful. But to answer your question, yes, for me personally, it was this sense of gosh. I'm so old, can I get this right already? Yeah, why do I keep having to come back and repeating things? Yeah, and then, when I did the true self, we had a birthing experience which I know a lot of other different sort of retreats or modalities offer that, so people will likely know what I'm speaking about and if you don't, if it's something that you haven't experienced, um, I'll walk you through my experience.

Speaker 2:

But it was when I was coming into this lifetime. We went back to the regression of my birth and there was so much anger Again. Going back to that anger of why am I back again? And the place before reincarnation to answer your question from my learning is pure love and light. It's divine, high frequency energy, unconditional love that those of us that are on the path and trying to understand or looking to experience whether we call it a 5D reality or connection with source energy or a relationship with God creator, whatever that might be it's connecting back to our divinity and it's being able and this is really challenging right now in 24, with what's going on in the world but it's being able to also witness everything that we go through as a reminder or an opportunity to come back home to that place, because we can go into anger Again. I'll put my hand up. I'm that girl. I can get angry, right. I'm a sagittarius, I'm a fire sign. That's within me, right. But when I found my heart, as in my spiritual heart. It just softened me and it connected me back to unconditional love. And I actually had to go through.

Speaker 2:

This is where I'm careful about my journey, but, whether my soul chose it or whether it was, you know, conscious or unconscious, but I went through some very painful experiences where there was a lot of betrayal, there was a lot of loss and grief, there was a lot of manipulation and confusion, and I could have sat in. Like it's a woe story, rachel. Like it is. It's a bad-ass story, right, but I chose. I don't want to sit in that space because it would eat me alive, right.

Speaker 2:

And some of those people aren't around in the earthly realm anymore. They've departed and I don't want to send them yucky vibes At this point, many years on. I don't really want to be sending them love and light. I don't even want to really be talking about them, but I'm happy to talk about it now for the purpose of the example. That the place before reincarnation is pure light, yeah, that the place before reincarnation is pure light yeah, that's, that's been my experience and that's where we touch on every monday, wednesday, in all of my online sessions, when I'm guiding women dominantly, and also some men into their heart space, which we can even do that at some point today.

Speaker 2:

But that's what we're doing. We're remembering oh yes, I, yes, I'm a heart. Just relax, no need to be so angry, just come back and let everything go. And then coming back into your mind, so synchronizing your heart and your mind so you're still responding and thinking clearly, because that place can also take you, I found in my experience, into almost like a whimsical of everything's fine, don't worry, which is not true. Not everything is fine. Sometimes people do you wrong and sometimes things are unjust and unfair.

Speaker 2:

So, again, synchronising the heart and the mind, having your head screwed on your shoulders, girl, which is part of why I needed for me to ground and earn the money to prove to myself that I could also be here in this human realm, because I've spent so much of my life in the ethereal clouds, if you like. Yeah, but it was a proving to my own soul that I could actually step into my power as a divine woman. And then, once I did that, show others the tools, the resources, share my story to inspire a woman who might be. This is all too much for me. I just can't do this anymore. God or universe, you know, or I've, I've earned all the money and everything's there, but I'm so empty, or I've never earned any money and I'm worthless.

Speaker 2:

Whatever the story is, this is a temporary moment and often, when you're listening to a podcast, someone like this, someone different it is the universe reminding you hey, my love, it's okay, come back to you. This moment will pass and what can we do now to help you to heal? And maybe that's cry, maybe that's laugh, maybe that's start to write your own book, maybe it's just stay in the exact life that you're living, but just love yourself more. Maybe there isn't some big, drastic change. Like you and I, you know, we've read books, we've done things. Maybe it's not that, because everyone's journey is different, right? Yeah, totally so. It's what's your heart and soul telling you, and that's where we need that quiet space, which is where meditation or nature yoga helps you to access that space, that divine space within yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love that you touched on the two sides of spirituality. So, for me, what I've found, when I'm coaching women especially, is when they start the journey and they start to learn about manifestation and different spiritual techniques, what they tend to find is that they want to keep everything so high vibe that they're often bypassing some of these lower emotions and and often giving people grace because they're seeing it as either a reflection of them and they need to sort it, or, um, there's, you know, there's a lot of healing happening, but not so much the action, and what I'm finding is moving into that level of action. So that connection with the mind of how do I deal with this situation in this space, with the main thing giving me the love, that's where I find there's that big shift, because you know, people often take so much because they're spiritual and they're nice people and they want to be lovely and heart-centred, and it's like, no, that's a boundary and that's a line and this is where you don't cross.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I can relate and I definitely I think the word that comes to mind, which I know a client did express this week because she's going through some big challenges but I think there's often a time on the journey where rage is experienced, and especially for women. You know, it's often you can't do that, you can't act like that, you can't, you know, but yes, you can because it's you know, spiritually speaking, there is no gender. I am spirit, I am male, female, I am genderless. I am, in this moment, raged, I'm in rage because something has happened to my being that is unjust yes, maybe it was karma from a past life. I take the responsibility, which is also important too. I take the responsibility and this is where things like the whole panono prayer I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, and I love you is really helpful. And also, at the same time and this is where I love there's a um, a modality called dialectical behavioral therapy, which I'm not trained in, but I'm very much informed by, but it allows us to sit in a couple of places at the same time, so you can actually sit in a place of I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, when I love you. And also, oh my God, can I swear on your podcast yeah, oh, my God, fuck, right, like fuck, something's happened. Like you can actually sit in a place of those two things at the same time, yeah, and I would encourage people to do that. Then it's about finding a way out of that, whether that's through movement, through dancing, through screaming into pillows, through journaling, through certain ceremonies, through a great therapist, through a coach, whatever I mean.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I've had sessions. It's been a while now, but I can recall back sort of two, three years ago, when COVID was just kind of starting. I would sometimes spend an hour with a woman just holding her anger energetically and I'm like girl, just sit with me here, don't stop trying to go into your shopping list and what you love about him or what you want to do, and can you just come and meet me with your anger here? And they're like do I have to, just for now? Yes, we kind of do so. Yes, it's important to process that physically Just for now. Yes, we kind of do so. Yes, it's important to process that physically. And then we can. You know that will then be replaced with love and light, so we're more open, but you unfortunately can't bypass that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, ananka was one of the things that was my, my emotion, that was quick to react. So you know, from years of suppressing things, anger was something that you know I had in in quick supply, should I say, and what I've done through spiritual work is actually being able to harness it, but use it to that. You know, when my anger comes out, it's a passion, it's rising and feel like the fire burning in me and it's it's really something that now I channel and I never avoid, because it's it's something that makes me that fiery badass like we talk about. So I love that part of me, but I know so many people do avoid it. But the big thing is, all feelings are for feeling. You know all of them. So it's just acknowledging which is more common for you and working through that as to why that might be more common and I think also looking at you know the appropriateness socially or where you are in your life.

Speaker 2:

You know if, if you're a let's say you're a, you're a corporate and you're in c-suite and you're running a team meeting, and the anger just rises. It may not be the moment to kind of you know, so it's noticing that there and then going. I'm just going to park that for a minute and then tonight do some work with my therapist or by myself to really get this, you know, coming out of me. Or I've just seen something on Instagram. I'm going to go and tell all my friends and, you know, maybe not, but yes, I think you know I was talking about.

Speaker 2:

You know we were talking about the books before and these were not kind of for me as I started writing really all of them, even though they're very much around spirituality and life and business, because that's kind of my area but they were cathartic for me.

Speaker 2:

It was like this one was my mum passing and the anger of that, and it was like I had to, just I had to write to just get the feelings out and then I ended up turning it into something that people you know would read.

Speaker 2:

This one was also, you know, the loss of a loved one, and that was sort of that time of that betrayal and all of that was coming through and it was just I have to write this.

Speaker 2:

And of that time of that betrayal and all of that was coming through and it was just I have to write this. And at that time I was working with people in business and I still am, and so what felt relevant and most useful was this title and probably, like you and a lot of your audience, I would ask for guidance. You know, I would say there's this bubble of creativity, or the anger or the rage, and I'm going to use it to write something. But how can I be of service in this moment, in this year to help others? And that that helped people during COVID to come out of their funk and have the right mindset, and you know, and then that one that led me to meet you and that was really nice that it's an Amazon bestseller, which was something that I guess my ego or my heart or my soul kind of, or all three of them wanted to experience, that kind of bestseller feeling as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so channeling it into something is so powerful and useful yeah, so just to um, let everybody know, the first book that you spoke about there was ignite your joy. Um, just so that we can let people know which ones. The second one, in covid, was redefining business success, and the third one was the Transformation Within, which is the one that we're both co-authors in. So, yeah, if anybody's wanting to go back and revisit whichever part, then grab one of those books. They're all available on Amazon and the Debra via your website.

Speaker 2:

There should be Amazon, but I have a feeling that a couple of them might be ignite your joys, both kindle and hard copy.

Speaker 1:

The other two may be kindle only, but if they're wanting a signed copy, I do actually have some here because I just stocked up recently, so always reach out to me yeah, so part of your heart-centered way in the the process that you use I don't know whether to call it a process or you'll explain it better but you talk about the six selves. Do you want to dive into that a bit more?

Speaker 2:

yes, thank you. So it is. It is a process. It took me a while to to come to that kind of realization that it is actually a process. The first process, or the first step of the process, would be self-care and specifically the heart practice. So connecting back here. The next part of that would be self-inquiry, which is where the six L's comes in. And then the last one is strategy and that's depending on what the client needs, if it's life, business or career. There's many different things we can talk about with that. But, yes, the six selves.

Speaker 2:

Look for the last, I think, 20 years in the human behavior that I've been kind of dabbling in, whether it was through social work or through when I was in ladies fashion and doing styling or I was studying or whatever it was that I was doing. I was always talking to women. I was always in that kind of healing, coaching, counseling role, yeah, and there were always these 60 different topics that would come up, sometimes all at once and sometimes over the course of our friendship or relationship. But when I looked back I realized, okay, there's these different aspects of self, and so I realized that that was very, very clear. And I spoke to a friend in marketing. And she said, well, we need like an acronym to explain this. So when you're speaking about it, it just, it's easy and it makes sense.

Speaker 2:

And I was so frustrated for about six months, possibly even a year, and I was like, what is it? What's this thing Like, please, you know, like you've guided me all this beautiful, the questions and what everything means. And I was standing in my kitchen a few years ago, late at night and I was praying and I said, please, can you help me? I just need clarity. What is the word for selves?

Speaker 2:

And then it hit me a bit like when I was three or when I was 19 and had that kind of lightning bolt moment and I realized, oh, my goodness, it was so obvious, it's selves. It was actually literally selves. So S-E-L-V-E--s which, if you've got the visual, you can see that there. So you've got the spiritual self, the emotional self, the legacy self, the valued self, the ecological self and the sexual creative self. So when we're activating and tapping into these different aspects of self, this is where we get to have this juicy, fulfilling, meaningful experience of life, whether it's in business, in life in general, in our career or some other area. And it's, yeah, very grateful that it happens to be kind of tied up neatly in this beautiful acronym that I feel was divinely gifted because it's so clear.

Speaker 1:

It is really clear, and I suppose it's all that aspect of just becoming whole in all areas and that's something that I know when women, especially going to business, it becomes, you know, the forefront, but then they don't realize that relationships that are going through with their mirror and things that can happen in your business, and if you don't connect those dots it really is hard to move forward without addressing those areas.

Speaker 2:

I love that you said that, because one of the things that I realized when I was talking to women about sex was that when they were connecting back in with their own pleasure and I have to also preface this with I'm not formally trained in that way, so I don't do anything other than talking through their emotions and feelings and beliefs around sex, and then I can always refer them on to someone else for deeper work.

Speaker 2:

But we would talk about, we'd have these, you know, as you do with your girlfriends, you'd have these honest conversations, and when they were connecting back into that part of themselves, if they were in business, their business would be more successful. Yeah, so there was a link between that magnetic, you know goddess experience and your sales calls and signing people and bringing in opportunities and all of that delicious stuff. So this is where I kind of got onto. Okay, how do I, you know, put this into a program and make sure that it works, and then how can I teach people how to do that as well? So I love that you actually asked that, because it is very connected.

Speaker 1:

It is, yeah, and I think that's one of the things that people really kind of avoid sometimes, and you know that is where women especially get the feminine energy, that power, rising. It really is something that, unfortunately, we've been taught to be ashamed of or play down, but it's something that, once you connect to, is so powerful and just ignites more in your business than you could ever realize yeah, and I mean, look, I was thinking back to my own conditioning around it and you know, in family we did speak about sex, but it was very much that the woman was the wife and the mother.

Speaker 2:

That was just how it was, and it wasn't for pleasure, it was you have babies, right, and so it was very, you know, talking about shame and the things that can come up when you're looking to enjoy sex. It's like like, oh my goodness, is this okay, am I allowed, you know? And then with earning money, oh my goodness, is this okay, am I allowed? What will my family think? What will my husband think, what will my community think?

Speaker 2:

Right, that was huge for me to be able to come through that and and dissolve that, that conditioning and and still, I'm still evolving with all of that, with, yeah, you know where I've come from and my upbringing and my religion and then what that means to me in this current version, and we're constantly changing and evolving. But it just felt important to me to be able to a in this lifetime, in this body, enjoy sex, yeah, and also be able to work and earn money and see the independence and the power and strength within me as a woman to be able to generate and bring that in yeah, and we have been conditioned so much around those rules and what's right and what's wrong, and you know how much money and you shouldn't make more than your husband per se and all of those.

Speaker 1:

That's why we're divorced.

Speaker 1:

That was a joke, sorry well, that's why we're divorced, and I said that was a joke, kind of similar for me, though, you know, looking back money was one of those arguments and you think, wow, um, it does come down to all of those conditionings and I think the big thing is you mentioned it before we're all souls having an experience. So the gender even though I'm really passionate about being a woman and helping other women, I think the gender, once you break that off, it doesn't matter how much you earn versus someone else, it's how much you are meant to earn in this lifetime and how much are you gonna allow in totally, and it's that potential, you know, because it's.

Speaker 2:

If I think back to my story I hope that your listeners resonate but from three I felt like I was to do something while I was here. It wasn't OK for me to to have a job and be a mom Not that there's anything wrong with that. I love my son and I love the jobs that I've had, but I am an entrepreneur and I'm a bit quirky. That I've had, but I am an entrepreneur and I'm a bit quirky. I'm spiritual, I'm intuitive, I can feel energy, I love meditation, I love all that sort of stuff. This is who I am.

Speaker 2:

So to stifle that and block that, you know, I was so sick physically, mentally, emotionally in those years. That was part of the dark night of the soul, the dark decade, because I was trying to not be the soul that I am. And then I think as you age, you know there's some wisdom there. As you move through your 30s and now my 40s, it's like, no, this is who I am. So I'm going to learn to love it and like it and make use of it, and some will love it and like it and some really won't, and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's a big realisation that I think most don't come to through the lifetime, which is ultimately why we're doing what we're doing to try and change those numbers in a sense that actually people connect. And I don't have that. Oh my god, why am I back here? Energy, I mean. We're always going to cycle around and keep coming back and keep learning new things, but wouldn't it be nice to learn as much as you could in each life?

Speaker 2:

that's where I'm definitely inspired to help people with yeah, and I think that's, and I'm glad you circled back.

Speaker 2:

I think one one of the things I've realised is well realised and remembered was what actually a gift it is to come back because, spiritually speaking, that's our soul putting its hand up to say, okay, my karma is such, I'm going to come back down to earth and play things out energetically to learn what it is, spiritually speaking, that I do need to learn as a soul.

Speaker 2:

And thank you, you know, thank you, dear one, thank you creator, thank you masters of light, whoever we're thanking for the opportunity to gift me a meat suit that I can come back in and play these different roles as wife, as ex-wife, as girlfriend, as lover, as betrayed, whatever it might be, as parent, as friend, as businesswoman, so that I can remember really not just my karma, but this is very deep but actually remember you, and whether that's in a religious sense and it doesn't have to be because some people don't and that's fine, because this is actually for every being but it's you as in life itself, you as in the trees, the earth, the ocean, the body you're in, like everything. It's that one, one consciousness. It's, it's the connection of our source, energy, and then from there we do our business and our day and we earn money and we share stories and everything.

Speaker 1:

Otherwise it doesn't feel meaningful really no, and we've got to take that really kind of seriously in a sense that if you can feel that connection, if you can feel that guide, if you feel that connection to soul or source or whatever it is, explore it and learn from it and take action from it, because it really does guide you somewhere that you're meant to be and it's meant to help others in some way. And I think that's where often people think, oh, that's a nice thing that I feel this energy or or I've got this really good um download in a meditation. But you know, and they let their fears override and actually, once you take that path, it opens more doors and makes it easier than you actually thought it was Well, easier than life is at the moment often that's my experience anyway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I agree and I also think that I'm glad that there's a lot more people you know on the path, if you like, because we do also need to be able to again go back to using our head, you know, having also registered psychologists and psychiatrists. If you need that, being able to say this community or this practice actually isn't right for me, I'm going to find something else. What I downloaded in meditation, you know, is a bunch of words and actually now means nothing to me, versus I totally understand what that means. That has meaning for me and I don't really need everyone on Instagram or even a hundred people to understand it because I understand it. So I don't mean to confuse people, but I think it's coming back to that place of there's all these different sides and spectrums and so really getting clear on what it is that in your experience of life as a soul and as a human, based on your map of the world, the resources that you need mentally and this is also I'm a mental health first aider.

Speaker 2:

So I really look for when we go into the depressions and the anxieties, and look I have to also bring this out too when you're delving into emotions and spirituality, there's darkness because spirituality is the whole picture. It's not just the rainbows and the peaches and the the downward dog poses, it's also, it's your shadow side, you know, it's the parts of your soul that have done some shit in lifetimes or in this lifetime to others and to itself. Done some shit in lifetimes or in this lifetime to others and to itself, right. So, depending on how deep you go, we also have to be able to go. Whoa, nearly I've got to hold space for a lot, and this is where having you know whether it's you or me or someone else that people connect to, to go, girl, where do I go with this?

Speaker 2:

Like, I've been on the path for a while and I got shafted, or I got a bit lost in the lostness of finding myself, yeah, and how can I bring it back to something meaningful and practical? Because you sometimes just can't do that on your own. Yeah, you sometimes just need a coach or a guide to really support you. So go in love and light in your journey. And also I say with caution, my friend, with caution, do your research, do your due diligence and use your head and your heart equally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's definitely about finding something that connects. But I think you've just touched on a really important part. Once you do start down that spiritual path, it opens up to you so much more than what you could ever possibly imagine. It opens up to you so much more than what you could ever possibly imagine. And the way I kind of explain it is we tend to like to keep our emotions in an elastic band and we go through life normally feeling a bit of high and a bit of low, and we like that area. It's safe, it doesn't scare us too much. But eventually, when we want the higher emotions, we want the joy, we want the abundance, we want all of those delightful things.

Speaker 2:

In order to experience that, you've got to stretch the band and that goes both ways, and that's sometimes something people aren't ready for to expose and I've a very good point and I've often wondered, even though we know that those concepts around you know love and light and um manifestation, they are for every being yeah but I think that also some people in this lifetime perhaps it's it's not their calling or their longing to explore it, and that is also okay as well.

Speaker 2:

I think, for a long time I tried to kind of preach and convert people of you know, but don't you know source energy and it's amazing and everything. And it's like I'm quite happy doing the drop-off at school and you know, and I'm involved in whatever in their jobs and that's where they are and I noticed I actually would judge, thinking but you're not reaching your potential, but that's. Maybe that that's, they're happy there, or maybe it's not the time for them to do that, maybe there's a different time in their timeline where they feel to explore. So I think, and I'm curious to actually ask you because I know for me it came from this deep longing within myself.

Speaker 2:

It was a very Elizabeth Gilbert like eat, pray, love moment where it was just like don't do it, don't do it, everything's settled and you're in your 30s and don't know. But it was like so strong that pull to go and explore my heart and understand meditation, understand it that I for me, on my journey, I can see now why, with the three books and you know what I do now, writing the meditationsitations that I kind of had to go in that direction. Yeah, and there'll be people who feel that. So trust that inner longing. Is that how you like. Does that explain your experience too, yeah?

Speaker 1:

So, for me, I always felt like something was just missing. So I took the normal route, went into corporate world, you know, got married, did all the things that you think you're meant to be doing, kept getting you know, promoted and felt like that was going to be the next thing. Because I had this drive. There was like something in me that just felt like I was only brinking on my potential. I didn't know what that was, but what I was really drawn to was I was very um, into energy. I used to read people, I did psychology as well and you know I I was into all of all of that. But if I ever had a problem, I would go and see a tarot reader. So I was always drawn to that side and I was always really interested by it. But I'd never seen that as where it would lead me. They would always say, you know you should be doing this and I'd be thinking, well, that's great, but I don't know how. Yeah, and then I remember those days.

Speaker 1:

It's not like. This is the magic thing. This is how you do it.

Speaker 2:

Rachel, yeah, this is the guidebook. It's that book.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you do it, rachel. Yeah, this is the guy. Yeah, so, um, it took me really till I was 35 and in a space where it was one of those repeated cycles, what would happen was I would get to a point where I'd be on a real high with the job and I'd be loving it and I feel like this is it, this? You know, I'd have that sense of power in a sense, and then it would be stripped away in some way, so maybe my boss would change or something would happen externally and I'd be back to the woe is me story and I just thought I'm done with this. Now I need to find, I need to change something within me.

Speaker 1:

So it drove me to that meditation, the spiritual development class, which then led on to finding about law of attraction and EFT, and all of the things just clicked into place. And then, um, when I watched I mean when I watched the Secret, that was like a lightning bolt just hit me something. I suppose, like you were when you were three, where something just shot through you and all I seen was me on a stage teaching something to thousands of people, and there was just something in me at that moment. I was like that's my future, didn't know what I was teaching, didn't know what I was doing, but I followed it blindly ever since and and that's really kind of been my guiding star to what, what has unfolded over the last five years. So, um, but yeah, it was always.

Speaker 1:

I always call it like a niggle, like a there's something just not sitting right inside and it's it's like you know, you know your potential, you know there's still something more. You're trying to make it logically fit that it is a relationship or a job or it's something that's going to make you that bit happier. But it's that connection inside for me that you know, connection to soul. So the way I talk about it is your soul gives you drops in your desires and they're your next point on your map and that's the bit to follow. So the connection to that heart and drops in your desires and they're your next point on your map and that's the bit to follow. So the connection to that heart and then following your desires is is my direction. So that's what's always kind of guided me forward since.

Speaker 2:

But when you feel that niggle, it's definitely time to make a move yeah, it's often like a pebble and then a rock and then a house, kind of. It's like the universe will send you these different kind of signs around, yeah, and sometimes you know books falling off shelves and just, and I went through this stage where I would just I would be at a wedding or at a at the grocery store, just life things, but I would be meeting like the healer or the psychic or the medium in the room and it's like what? What? Like I'm studying, I'm parenting, like everyone, leave me alone, right, but it was like it, but it wouldn't everywhere I went that it was that. Those were the conversations I was having.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I resisted it so many times and it is easy to resist because a lot of there's been a lot of fear around it and a lot of fear around. I know, when I first started and I was reading, trying to read tarot or I was meditating, I was thinking you know what if something come through there I didn't want to face, and you know there was all that fear of what is my gifts. You know what is that like? Um, I know you touched on people, were calling you a medium and things before and, and I think growing up that was what we kind of thought was a spiritual person. You were going to be seeing dead people everywhere and that was going to be your life. So, you know it, it does put a lot of fear inside of you.

Speaker 1:

But I think for me my journey's been like that connection to angels and guides which has been so loving and light that, yeah, luckily, the energy around me, it's been more about trusting my own abilities. So I'm clear, cognizant, predominantly, so it's very much a knowing. So then it's. You've got to then trust that energy and allow everything else to unfold.

Speaker 2:

So it it comes in different to everybody and yeah, and I think that's where it's quite beautiful to share the different stories, because for some people it can be, you know, a health challenge, things that can happen, that that take you to that path. For others it's it's more pleasant experiences and that's because it's the nature of the soul. We come in in this lifetime with all of that kind of in there, depending on a variety of factors, including our past life choices and our direction, out that our heart is facing so often, when we're very much facing ourselves.

Speaker 2:

It is about our own souls, and this may be controversial and I don't mean for it to. It's just, this has been my, my experience and my training. But the heart and the soul are actually quite different. So the soul will actually follow its desires and its longing for often to be seen, to be powerful, to access its own gifts. This isn't wrong or bad. This is still part of the journey and it's totally okay.

Speaker 2:

The heart journey is very much around connecting with the one consciousness, and so love and light to every being, love and light to everything that happens to us, trusting that everything has a higher purpose and being able to see and witness that. And this is where it can be a bit confusing, because you know well. Then, love and light to someone who does awful things to me, which is a bit about what we spoke about before. So opening the heart center and having that very open and using that to guide us, while still in collaboration with our souls, desires and our daily life consciousness. I hope I'm not getting too kind of complicated, but there's actually three different levels as I see it, and I like to operate in all three, because for a long time I ignored my soul and I would go down the heart path and I was very much, you know, love and light to every being. And this is where I got a bit trodden on, because that's not my soul's journey.

Speaker 2:

Actually, my soul's journey is actually to be a leader and to be empowered, but I also, for my own lessons, need to be very still in here yeah so that I'm doing the mission that I came here to do, which is everything about the heart, it's the name and everything behind me and, yeah, yeah, and it's very similar to you describe it in a different way.

Speaker 1:

I talk about it as archetypes, so the different parts of us that lead, so you know, the queen, the magician and the sage. So that sage is like that connection to the heart where it's all one and that feeling. The queen is that other side that you know is really strong and will draw the line and will, you know, choose the destiny that she's deciding to take. So I think that balance of both without, but then on the other side of that you've got the more negative archetypes that that she's deciding to take. So I think that balance of both without, but then on the other side of that you've got the more negative archetypes that come out from the ego, which do allow you to be trodden on and do allow you to be taken advantage of. But I think what's interesting is how we've normalized in spirituality that those sides of us are the kind of ones, the ones that we should be accepting, and I don't know sometimes where that energy comes from. But that's where I like to educate around all six and how you can bring them all together.

Speaker 2:

I love what you said. I want to make sure that I'm understanding it correctly. But, um, you know that, that ego part, when we are trotted on, because sometimes we think, oh, I was being so nice and I was being so loving, but actually, well, you are, you probably possibly were, but also it may have been driven by your own ego, as opposed to the soul journey, because if not, why did that take place? Or and this is where I guess I'm just kind of asking because I'm curious myself or was it karmic, was it almost like a karmic clearing that that was inevitable and that was going to happen, whether it was with that person or with a different person, because that was part of our imprint, so it could be both.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, it could be one. So when I talk about the ego archetypes, I talk about the, the victim or the, you know, the inner child, I talk about the prostitute. And also, why is the other one escaping my name? But um, or the logician? So it depends really the, the experience and the reason for it. The situation coming about could be karmic or it could be habit.

Speaker 1:

So if we've learned to live in those ego cells, then we've created lots of habits around that, whereas so, for instance, your prostitutes all around, your self-worth and your lack of it and your lack of value in what it is you're offering, the lack of value in you know, when it comes to business, your sales and the prices that you're willing to offer, or or you overrun and you overgive and that energy of that overgiver. So it can become a couple of things. You know, karmic lessons can definitely come into play and that could be why that you've decided to choose that, that entity, that part of you, more often. But then there's the other part that's maybe developed certain habits from conditioning around it. So it's just understanding what it is and integrating all of them so that you know when you, when you start to acknowledge and integrate those parts of you.

Speaker 1:

It's really about what can they bring so that nurturer side actually bring. Once she's in her power, she brings the empathy to our business. She brings that connection to people who've had that journey and are still there and you want to help them through it. So I think I suppose it comes down to like your sixth self. It's not about denying any parts or hiding any parts. It's just about integrating them all into your human experience and whether that's influenced by karma or influenced by conditioning there's, you know, it's still about moving forward and being in that space where you feel more whole.

Speaker 2:

So that's how I use it having having sorry to cut you off no and ultimately having, I guess, a life that is fulfilling um, while our spirit is also evolving, which I think this is where sometimes the the you know I'm looking at myself and examining my old kind of beliefs around spirituality and what is still serving me and what might be outdated, but there was a long time where it was. You know the challenges and the rough times and what shape you and humble you and.

Speaker 2:

I still agree with that. But now, often, when I'm working with people, I'll say that's true, let's not bring any more on necessarily like we don't need to be, you know, continuing down that path. If there's a way that we can do it, where you can be humbled and gracious without that, let's. Yeah, let's do that instead. Um, where was I going with it? But? But, yes, looking at more, I guess the, the um, the manifestation, and the love and the light, as opposed to just the other. And do we need both? Like, do you, do you think we sometimes I wish I could have, you know, fast forwarded on some parts of the journey because they were very, they were very, they were very rough. But then, you know, maybe I did need that humbling or maybe that is part of what brings the empathy and the compassion, because I have that direct experience and I'm not sure I mean for me.

Speaker 1:

I don't see it as humbling as such. I don't see it as you know. I mean humbling. For me, just to explain that word, maybe it means that you need need to experience, you need brought down, or that you know that ego knocked in some way. For me, I see it as and I think the people I work with, who I've got those big missions and those big impacts to make, I think it's about that connection to those lower emotions, those lower frequencies, and it's like that heroine's journey. It is, you know, overcoming that to become the person that you need to become.

Speaker 1:

And I think without that I always say you know, if I had a really nice life and it was so easy and it was so great, I wouldn't be in a position where I needed to change and I needed to create a difference or help people who were in the space, because you know I'd be moving across, I'd be one of those people who is just happy as they are and that job felt right and all of those things.

Speaker 1:

But for me, because I've had those experiences, it's given me that angle of this is only a touch on my potential. I know there's more. I know there's and it's given me the drive. So, even though there is experiences that, yeah, my human self would love to say that that didn't happen, or can we erase that part didn't happen, or can we erase that part? Um, it's given me the drive and it's also given me that connection to a lot of other people who I can help on the journey. So, um, take it as it is it. I don't look at it all as good experiences. I don't look at it all as, yeah, that was meant to be. Obviously, I see it as it was meant to be, but I also can take the anger and the emotion and be angry with it. We're okay with it as well.

Speaker 2:

So there's yeah, it's not the rose-colored glasses again and going back to everything's okay, you can walk all over me. It's my learning, it's my car. No, no, actually no. This ends here, because that's actually traumatic and abusive behavior yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And at the points where I've made those big shifts, it was I was in my prostitute energy taking it all you know, allowing things to happen. And then it took that bit of my queen to come in and go right, you've accepted this, take responsibility, you know. You've accepted this behavior. That's why it's repeating, but now it's time. Do you choose it? And if you don't choose it, then you stop. And that's been always the shift. So I suppose it's it's teaching others that that is the shift to make. And, yeah, you don't sit in that everything happening to you, we definitely have free will, don't we?

Speaker 2:

I mean, we definitely can choose, yeah, um, yeah, and I think that's true. There there's the soul, missions, and there's the calling, and that's where I think that calling and that longing comes from. Um, I would love to do because this has been, I guess, my, my, biggest part of the journey has been the heart, and I talk about it but actually guiding, and we can just do it like a short kind of two or three minute, five minute thing, if you're happy to do that. You ever do this. Last time when we spoke because we've spoken a couple of times- no, I don't think we did this, so I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

Let's. I would love to do it okay.

Speaker 2:

So first thing I'm going to share is I'm just getting myself comfy. Posture is important when we're looking at meditation and it doesn't have to be that kind of very formal um, you know, back straight, almost like the wooden chair, like we would think in traditional meditation it's more around sitting back and I'm just making sure that you can still hear my voice as I also sit back in my chair. But, yeah, that's good. Yeah, so you're sitting back in the chair and your, your back is straight, making sure that the neck is also straight as well. Arms are, sorry, palms are facing upwards, ideally either on the the chair or on your lap.

Speaker 2:

You can see I've got quite a high chair. That's very purposeful because, as I'm guiding, I also want to be relaxing back into the chair. Yeah, so that's sort of the first part of it is really just noticing the chair, and this sounds kind of funny, but it's like this is a nice chair, like noticing really how supportive the chair is and actually feeling your feet on the ground, and then from there we're noticing here. So this is where I've been pointing here I think I don't know how many dozens of times as I've been been speaking, but to find the location of your spiritual heart. It's actually, you know, arms out to the side, so I'll get you to.

Speaker 2:

I'll encourage you to do that as well yeah just bringing it back and then right there at that center, that's our spiritual heart, and the heart is very quiet, it's very soft, very gentle, and the next part is to touch the heart. So we can actually do that. You can use one hand, just as we were before you can choose to do a whole palm of your hand, and sometimes we even choose both. So whatever feels nice and nurturing for you at this point, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and then from there, we can close the eyes. So we're just relaxing and as your eyes are closed, I'm going to encourage you to keep your eyes gazing at eye level. So yours is a good way, rachel, I can see you. Often, what people do is they'll look down, they'll go into accessing past memories or starting to channel, which is different. This is really just about one thing, which is about being loved. So from here, we're touching our heart, we're dropping our body weight to the chair and the floor beneath us and we're smiling sweetly and freely, more completely and more continuously to our beautiful heart, until there is only peace, love and joy, good and following any feelings of lightness and expansion, more completely, more completely, more completely, more continuously Beautiful. I'm just going to check something for a moment. So just gently opening your eyes, rachel, and still with the heart open, just notice. If you can feel it, it's okay. If you can't, it took me five years to actually feel this space, but from here it's almost like it can feel, like we're in water. It's like to the left of me there's the love. To the right of me, above my head, below my feet. Can you feel there's like a subtle energy? That's here, yeah, and that's actually not us, that's actually the love of the universe.

Speaker 2:

So, all of these things that we speak about when we're manifesting and law of attraction, we do that because we want to feel something nice. What do we want to feel? We want to feel love, right, and the actual key to that is actually right here. So, regardless of what's happening outside of us, we can always come back to our own heart. This is our direct connection with the creator. Yeah, so I'll get you now just to go back and close your eyes and I'm just going to guide us a little bit more.

Speaker 2:

And from here, we can smile sweetly, freely, more completely, more continuously, to the heart of everyone in your beautiful community and just noticing what happens to your own heart as we extend this love out good, more completely, more completely, more completely and more completely Beautiful, noticing that lightness and expansion of your own being as we're connecting all of your listeners to their own beautiful heart more completely and dropping our body weight, just letting everything go, letting go of the day, the week, even our conversation it was wonderful, but we're letting everything go Good. And then from here, if we choose to do this, to extend this invitation out, let's send a beautiful wave of energy out to every woman everywhere in your community and everywhere in your country, in my country, every woman in the whole world. And just noticing what happens to your own beautiful heart. When we send this gentle wave of energy out to every woman in the world or everyone who identifies as a woman, including your own heart, including all parts of your heart, more completely, more completely Beautiful, from here, let's not forget our male siblings and extend this heart smile out to every man or everyone who identifies as a man in your community and all over the world, more completely and more continuously.

Speaker 2:

Dropping our body weight to the chair and the floor beneath us, dropping our body weight to the chair and the floor beneath us. And finally, my most favourite part, we're sending love and light to every being everywhere, every city, every country, every town, every belief system, every challenge, every obstacle, every joy, every love, every bliss, every being, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, including ourselves, including all past and future versions of ourselves, so that every being can remember their heart in this way and feel peace, love and joy. Dropping the body weight to the chair and the floor beneath us, gently opening your beautiful eyes. Thank you for the opportunity. It is my joy to share my heart and the source of our divinity in this way with your own beautiful heart. I can feel a shift and see a shift in you. Yeah, and to have your listeners, those that are listening, to be able to share that with them and have them share that with their community is the ripple effect that I get to do every day and I'm very grateful for that opportunity.

Speaker 1:

Thank you oh, thank you, that was so beautiful and what a perfect way to finish today because, yeah, I felt that shift, deb. So, thank you, that was so lovely and I've loved our conversation and obviously it won't be the last. I'm sure you'll be back on the podcast when you're hitting those seven, eight figures again, you know, on that next step up. So just thank you for sharing all your wisdom and your heart with us today, because that was it was a beautiful podcast episode and I can't wait to get this one out thank you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you, we'll talk again very soon Bye.